“Well, they can’t talk about that anymore, at least,” Miri said, comforting herself. “I’ve really lost a lot, living a whole month on protein bars and nutrient shakes. Though I’m sure the pepperoni pizza I had last night didn’t help my figure any,” she added, patting her full hips. She always gained in her hips first—then her breasts and then her thighs and ass.

“My Lady, you should never have to apologize for your curves,” Lynx said softly. “You’re clearly meant to be an Elite—a female the Goddess has created to be extra bountiful. That’s beautiful and nothing to be ashamed of.”

“Well…thank you.” Miri smiled at him. “I appreciate that. But they’re still going to be nasty to me when I walk in without a bodyslave.”

“Who said you’d be going without a bodyslave?” Saxon growled.

“I don’t have one—of course I’m going without,” Miri said, frowning up at him. Goddess, why did the two of them have to be so tall?

“You do now,” Saxon said. He came and sat on the other side of her and once more Miri felt that subtle electric energy flow between the three of them, since Lynx was on her other side.

“I do?” she asked, rather breathlessly.

“You do,” Lynx agreed. “Saxon and I will stay long enough to pose as your bodyslaves at the Leadership Meeting tonight—it’s the least we can do.”

“You can hand off your responsibilities to another Mistress in style with the two of us at your side,” Saxon agreed. “Then you can go back to your House of Healing and Lynx and I can go back to the Monstrum Mother Ship.”

Miri felt her heart drop at the idea of losing the two big Monstrum. Then she gave herself a mental shake. She hadn’t even known them a full day and night cycle yet! Nobody was losing anybody—she barely knew them.

Only that didn’t quite feel true, did it? After the way the two of them had “shared” her the night before, she definitely felt like she knew the two big Monstrum. And she wished she could keep them in her life.

But just having them with her at the Leadership Meeting tonight would be good enough, she told herself. Then a new thought occurred to her.

“Er, I really appreciate your offer,” she said, looking back and forth between the two of them. “But, well, you heard what Mistress Hottalot said—you’ll both have to, uh, kiss my panties when I’m introduced. Is that going to be a problem?”

Lynx’s golden eyes went half-lidded at once.

“Not a problem for me, my Lady,” he purred. “I’ll gladly drop to my knees to kiss your sweet pussy.”

“Panties—just my panties. I will be wearing undergarments, no matter what kind of ridiculous Mistress outfit I have to put on,” Miri corrected him hastily, though she couldn’t help feeling her stomach flutter at the way he was looking at her. She turned her attention to the Lykan Shifter. “Saxon? I know how you feel about, uh, what we did together last night…” She could feel her cheeks getting hot as she talked, but she forced herself to go on. “Will it be a problem for you? Kissing my panties, I mean?”

The dark Monstrum shook his head.

“Not a problem for me,” he rumbled. “As long as we don’t do anything else.”

“Nothing else—not a thing,” Miri promised quickly. She put her hand to her heart. “Oh, you two—I’m so grateful! It’s going to be so nice to walk into an Opulex function and not feel like the poor country cousin for once!”

“We’re very happy to serve in any way we can, my Lady,” Lynx said courteously.

“Of course—we couldn’t leave you in need,” Saxon growled. He looked at Lynx. “Now let’s get ready to go—if we’re leaving this place the two of us are going to have to be on high alert to get our Mistress out of here safely.”

Lynx shot his Bond-Brother a look—Miri saw it.

“Yes,” he murmured. “We’ll have to be certain our Mistress is safe.”

Miri wasn’t sure what to think of that but she decided to worry about it later. For now, she was just glad to be getting out of the stronghold/panic room for the first time in over a month!



“Keep between us, little one,” Saxon growled, giving Miri a stern look. “And whatever you do, don’t stray. I’m taking the lead and Lynx will be right behind you, protecting your back.”

Miri felt like her heart was in her throat. She was excited to be leaving, but it was hard to step outside, knowing there were roving bands of Cast-offs everywhere. And it was surprisingly hard to leave Beelie.

She knew the large golden automaton didn’t really have feelings, but he had kept her safe and protected her—having him near had saved her life. She actually had tears in her eyes when she bid him goodbye.