“No wonder he feels so guilty.” Miri shook her head. To tell the truth, she was feeling guilty herself. She hadn’t been raised to take on two males at once, the way she had the night before. True, they had only touched and fingered her, but she had still gone a lot farther than she would have imagined she was capable of going.

“He thinks Kara’s death is on his head and he doesn’t feel like the two of us deserve to ever share a female ever again,” Lynx said. “So what the three of us did last night…” He spread his hands in a, “well, see for yourself” gesture.

“Well, it’s not going to happen again,” Miri said firmly. “From now on, we’re all going to keep our distance, right?”

Lynx gave her a steady look from his golden eyes.

“Is that truly what you want, my Lady?” he asked softly.

“Well…I…I mean…” Miri stammered uncertainly.

Suddenly the door of the Master Suite flew open and Saxon was standing there.

“Get your things together,” he said to Lynx, his deep voice curt. “This mission is over—the killer’s been caught. We’re going home.”



“What are you talking about?”

Lynx was off the bed in a second but Saxon had already left again, as though he couldn’t bear to be too near the “scene of the crime.”

“What did you just say?” Lynx asked, following him out of the room, since his Bond-Brother hadn’t answered earlier.

“I said, the killer’s been caught,” Saxon threw over his shoulder. He was already going to the living area to pack the few things they’d brought in the Cary-all cube. “I had a communication from High Commander Rarev who spoke to Commander Sylvan at the other Kindred Mother Ship. The killer’s been put away for life. Which means Mistress Mirabella is no longer in danger—which further fucking means we can go.”

Lynx stared at his Bond-Brother. He could feel a mixture of relief and regret coming from the Lykan Shifter and he knew that Saxon was struggling with the guilt of what they’d done the night before…and the desire to do it again.

“Why are you doing this?” he said in a low voice.

“Doing what?” Saxon kept packing, refusing to meet his eyes.

“You know what.” Lynx grabbed his Bond-Brother by the arms, forcing the other male to look at him. “There’s something here,” he said softly. “Something we haven’t felt in years—a chance for a new start. Are you really going to let the past spoil the future?”

“Are you really going to forget the past—forget Kara and what we did to her?” Saxon returned, his blue eyes flashing pale fire.

“Kara loved us—she would have wanted us to be happy,” Lynx argued. “And we didn’t do anything she didn’t want us to do—that she wasn’t ready for us to do.”

“Bullshit!” Saxon pulled out of his grip. “We never should have—”

Suddenly the large rectangular viewscreen in front of the couch began emitting a loud buzzing sound—like a giant insect that wanted attention.

“What in the Seven Frozen Hells?” Lynx muttered. He went to the screen and tapped it, trying to make the annoying sound stop.

But it seemed that his touch had activated it somehow. For the black screen flickered to life, showing a person who was dressed entirely in pink.

“Oh, hello! Finally someone answers!” she exclaimed, fluttering her long, pink lashes at them. Then she frowned. “But…who are the two of you and what are you doing in little Miri’s stronghold? Are you new bodyslaves she got somewhere?”

“Oh, uh…” Lynx began but just then Mirabella came into the living area. She was wearing the same green and silver dress she’d had on the day before. It looked freshly washed, if somewhat faded and wilted.

“Was that the viewscreen?” she asked them. “Whatever you do don’t answer it! I just—Oh…” she ended in a small voice as she saw the image on the screen.

“Mistress Mirabella! There you are!” the woman dressed all in pink exclaimed. “I’ve been trying to get hold of you for ages. Luckily those two new bodyslaves of yours had the good sense to answer this time.” She eyed Lynx and Saxon who were still partially-Shifted, her bright blue eyes flickering over them both. “They’re certainly unique, I’ll give you that. Are they some kind of beast-men or something?”

“They’re, uh, Monstrum Shifters.” Mirabella cleared her throat. “Look, Mistress Hottalot, I really can’t talk right now.”

“Oh no you don’t! Don’t you dare turn off your viewscreen!” the other Yonnite Mistress snapped. “I’ve heard that the killer who was stalking you has been captured—the news was sent from the Kindred Mother Ship and it’s been all over the Outernet today! So you have absolutely no excuse not to come to the Leadership Meeting tonight in my tower!”

“Oh, but Mistress Hottalot, I really don’t want to attend the Leadership Meeting,” Mirabella protested.

The pink Mistress glared at her.