“You…you like that?” she asked, looking up at him uncertainly.

Saxon finished sucking and withdrew his fingers.

“The taste of your pussy honey? Yes—I fucking love it, little one. Fucking delicious,” he growled.

“My Lady Mirabella, I didn’t get nearly as much of your honey to taste,” Lynx purred in her ear. “Would you allow me to slide my fingers deep in your sweet pussy just once so that I can taste your flavor too?”

“Oh, er…” Miri felt herself blushing for some reason. “I…I guess so,” she whispered.

“Thank you—you honor me with your trust,” Lynx told her.

Then Miri felt two thick, velvety fingers sliding down to pierce her pussy mouth and fill her to the core.

She moaned and arched her back as Lynx reached bottom inside her—she couldn’t help it. It felt so good being opened this way—much better than she ever would have believed while enduring the inexpert fumblings of the other lovers she’d had.

“Mmm…I think she likes being finger-fucked, Brother,” Saxon growled, his blue eyes glowing.

“Maybe it just feels good to have her little pussy filled. Is that right, Mirabella?” Lynx murmured in her ear. “You like to feel your inner walls stretch, to take something thick and hard deep inside you?”

“I…I don’t know. I guess so,” Miri panted. Goddess, if they kept on like this, she was going to get hot all over again! It felt as though her whole body was throbbing as the Felinus Shifter thrust two fingers deeply into her several times before slowly withdrawing.

Just as Saxon had done, Lynx sucked his fingers into his mouth, clearly savoring her juices.

“What did I tell you?” Saxon growled, watching him. “Tastes fucking amazing, right?”

“Mmm…” Lynx finally withdrew his fingers. “Delicious—so sweet and salty and perfect. My Lady,” he said to Miri, “Your pussy honey is beyond compare.”

“Oh, uh, thank you, I guess,” Miri whispered. She couldn’t quite believe they were having this conversation—still didn’t quite believe she’d let the two of them finger her to orgasm.

“No—thank you for letting us bring you pleasure and make you come,” Lynx told her.

“You’ve made the Aura of Protection even stronger,” Saxon rumbled.

“I did?” Miri asked, confused.

“Your pleasure did—the extra energy strengthened our casting,” Lynx told her. “Look up and you should be able to see it. Here, draw back, Brother,” he told Saxon.

The two huge Monstrum pulled away and Miri looked up and saw…a softly shimmering blue light suspended in the air above all three of their heads.

“Oh…” she whispered. “Is that it? The Aura of Protection?”

“It is—and we’ve never cast a stronger one, I don’t think.” Lynx sounded proud. “It should stay in place all night.”

“Nothing and no one is getting through that,” Saxon added with apparent satisfaction. “You can rest easy, little one.”

As though his words had cued her, Miri yawned.

“Oh, sorry…” She covered her mouth but she could feel her eyelids getting heavy.

“It’s all right, my Lady,” Lynx purred softly. “First the nightmare and then the pleasure—all the excitement has worn you out.”

“Why don’t you relax between Lynx and me?” Saxon told her. “Let us hold you between us all night and just rest.”

Suddenly, Miri wanted that more than anything in the world. Between her fear that the killer was still stalking her and the awful nightmares she had every night, she hadn’t felt safe enough to sleep well in over a month. The idea of being bracketed by the two huge male bodies and covered by the softly glowing Aura of Protection was immensely appealing.

“Yes,” she murmured and yawned again. “That would be nice. But I usually sleep on my side.”

“Turn over then.” Lynx was already getting settled on his back. He patted one velvety pec, indicating that Miri should pillow her head on his chest.

Miri snuggled up next to the big Monstrum, rubbing her naked body against his warm, velvety side. She loved the feeling of soft, dense fur covering solid muscle. Also, he was deliciously warm.

“Good,” Lynx purred. “Now you, Brother—protect our Lady’s back.”

“With pleasure,” Saxon growled. And Miri felt his warm muscular bulk blanketing her back and ass. The Lykan Shifter put an arm around her from behind, one hand casually cupping her breast.

Miri found she didn’t mind. In fact, she pressed a little closer, loving the feel of his silky-rough fur brushing against her naked nipple.

Lynx somehow managed to pull the sheet over all three of them, though he left the top coverlet at the bottom of the bed. They didn’t need it, even though it was a chilly night. The two Monstrum put out plenty of heat between them to keep everything toasty warm.

“Mmm, perfect,” Lynx murmured when he had the sheet situated. “Good night, Mirabella.”

“Good night, little Mistress,” Saxon rumbled.

“Good…” Miri yawned. “Good night,” she told them both. She meant to tell them they could just called her “Miri” if they wanted to, but before she could get anything else out, her eyes drifted closed and she fell into the first untroubled sleep she’d had in over a month.