“Oh!” she gasped and lost the fight not to move. Arching her back, she thrust her breasts up just as Saxon’s hand was over the left one. And then she did feel the velvety brush of his silky-coarse fur rubbing teasingly over her tight nipple.

“Forgive me, little Mistress.” Saxon moved his hand but Miri reached for it. Just as he had taken her hand earlier and placed it on his chest, she took his and put it back on her breast.

In the dim room, she saw his pale blue eyes go half-lidded.

“What do you want me to do, little one?” he rumbled.

“Just touch me. Just stroke me—both of you,” Miri said breathlessly. Part of her brain was screaming that this was a bad idea—a really bad idea. But she couldn’t seem to stop herself. The throbbing energy that was building between the three of them was making her crazy and she hadn’t been with anyone in so long. She’d been lonely for what seemed like forever.

Just for tonight, she told herself. Just once and then never again.

“Just touch me,” she repeated. “But nothing else, all right?”

“It is our pleasure to do as our Lady commands,” Lynx purred and she was reminded of the rumbling of a big cat from Earth—a lion or a tiger—she’d seen vids of them when she was younger.

And then they were really touching her. Running big, warm hands that felt like they were wearing velvet gloves up and down her body very, very slowly. It was the most sensuous feeling Miri could imagine.

She moaned and arched her back as they stroked over her full breasts and achingly hard nipples then down her trembling belly and over her upper thighs and down to the tips of her toes.

When their hands traveled up again, she found she had spread her legs. Quite wide, in fact, so that both of the big, warm, male hands that were touching her slid up the insides of her inner thighs and then both came to a stop right at the places where her tender pussy ached and throbbed with need.

“My Lady, how deeply do you wish us to stroke you?” Lynx purred in her ear.

“I…I don’t know,” Miri whispered breathlessly, but somehow she found she was spreading her legs even wider. As her thighs parted, she could feel her puffy outer pussy lips parting as well.

“Have you ever felt fur against your inner folds, little one?” Saxon growled softly in her ear.

Shouldn’t do this—shouldn’t let them do this, Miri told herself. And yet she couldn’t seem to stop.

“No,” she whispered. “But…but maybe I’d like to.”

“Then we’ll touch you, if you want us to, my Lady,” Lynx purred.

“I do—but only touching. Not…anything else,” Miri said quickly.

“It will be pleasure enough for us to bring pleasure to you,” the Felinus Shifter assured her.

“You should touch her, Brother,” Saxon murmured. “Your fur is softer than mine and your touch is gentler.”

“Spread her sweet pussy lips open for me then,” Lynx told him. “Open her so I can stroke her inner folds.”

“With pleasure,” Saxon growled.

And then Miri felt long fingers gently parting her outer lips, opening her pussy so that she was completely and totally exposed. Oh Goddess, was she really doing this or was it another dream—one as intensely erotic as the nightmare of the killer had been intensely terrifying?

But the gentle touch of one long, velvet finger invading her inner folds didn’t feel like a dream. It felt like the most sensuous feeling she’d ever experienced. She moaned softly as Lynx circled her aching button, stroking her lightly but firmly in a way that sent shivers of pure desire and pleasure through her entire body.

“Oh!” she moaned, bucking her hips as the huge Monstrum continued to caress her inner pussy. She never would have dreamed that such a big, muscular warrior could be so gentle—or so knowledgeable. The males she’d been with before couldn’t find her clit with two hands and a map! But Lynx seemed to know exactly how to touch her to make her writhe and moan with overwhelming pleasure.

“Does it feel good, my Lady?” he purred softly in her ear. “Do you like to have your soft little pussy stroked and petted like this?”

“I…I do,” Miri admitted, panting the words out. “I’ve never felt anything like this. Your fur…it’s like…like being stroked with velvet.”

“I’m glad you’re enjoying it, my Lady,” Lynx murmured. “Would you like me to make you come?”

Miri moaned and bucked her hips again. She shouldn’t do this—shouldn’t go so far, she told herself. But she was already laying naked between the two huge Monstrum, allowing them to finger her pussy—it didn’t seem that much worse to let them make her come.

“Yes,” she decided in a breathless moan. “Yes, Lynx—make me come!”

“It will be a stronger release if you let Saxon help me,” the Felinus Shifter murmured. “Working together, we can give you pleasure like you’ve never felt before, my Lady.”