It was the Aura of Comfort that had decided her—that had made her believe they weren’t just “blowing smoke up her ass” as her father used to say. She’d actually felt the comforting energy pouring into her when the two of them held her between them.

It was the strangest sensation—and yet so lovely she didn’t want it to end. It was like someone wrapping her in a warm quilt and giving her a hug and pouring healing salve on all her raw places—all at the same time. It made her feel soothed and safe in a way she hadn’t for ages. Not since that horrible attack in Mistress Mapletaste’s tower over a month ago.

She got herself situated in the center of the huge bed—at least it was big enough for three, she thought—and pulled the silky sheet up to her chin, trying to cover her naked body completely. The two Monstrum were taking off their boots but as promised, they left on their trousers. Both of them were bare chested and she could see the outline of their big, muscular bodies as they climbed into bed on either side of her.

“Now what?” she asked, when the two of them were settled, Lynx on her right and Saxon on her left.

“Now, I’m afraid this has to come down.” Lynx tugged gently on the sheet. “Only for a moment so we can cast the Aura of Protection,” he explained.

“But…I’m naked,” Miri protested. “And you promised you wouldn’t touch me.”

“Not gonna touch you, little Mistress,” Saxon growled and his deep, harsh voice was surprisingly gentle. “Just going to run our hands up and down above your body to cast the Aura.”

“We’ll be running our hands over you but not actually touching you,” Lynx explained. “Just a fraction above your skin—that helps build the energy needed for the Aura. All right?”

Miri bit her lip. In the dim room, she could see both their eyes glowing—golden and pale blue fire. She was pretty sure that meant they could see in the dark, which meant they’d be able to see her naked body.

She’d always been a bit self conscious about being nude—it was one reason she hated wearing Yonnite Mistress outfits. But earlier, Saxon had said she was gorgeous and they were promising not to actually touch her…

“We can’t cast the Aura any other way,” Lynx told her. “Will you trust us?”

In the darkness, his golden eyes were filled with sincerity.

“And…you won’t really touch me?” Miri asked.

She couldn’t believe she was considering this but somehow it seemed like she was. Maybe it was the way the two of them smelled so good when she was close to them. The sunlight and cedar and bonfire and fur scents mixed to form a deep, masculine musk that called to the deepest feminine core of her. Or maybe it was the velvety touch of their skin now that they were partially-Shifted. For whatever reason, she was really giving this serious consideration.

“We won’t actually touch you unless you want us to,” Saxon growled softly. “If you just lay there quietly, you won’t feel anything but the energy current moving over you as we set up the Aura.”

“Well…” Miri took a deep breath. “All right,” she said. “I’m going to trust the two of you. Mainly because you’re Kindred and I’ve always heard that the Kindred were trustworthy males.”

“You honor us with your trust,” Lynx said gravely. “Very well, my Lady—just lie still with your hands at your sides and let us attend to you.”

“All right,” Miri whispered. She bit her lip as they pulled the sheet back, leaving her completely naked and shivered as a cool breeze played over her exposed body. Oh Goddess…what was she doing? And what were they doing? For a moment it seemed as though the two of them were just looking at her.

“She’s cold, Brother—we need to start casting,” Lynx said.

“I know. She’s just…so fucking lovely,” Saxon growled. “But you’re right—let’s cast.”

The two of them propped themselves up on their elbows so they were leaning over her, making Miri feel completely surrounded by their big, muscular bodies. Then each of them held one big hand over her, palm-down, and began to slowly run them up and down her body.

At first, Miri felt nothing. But then a slight, ticklish sensation began. She thought it must be their fur—did they have fur on their palms and fingers as well when they were partially-Shifted like this? However, it wasn’t quite like any physical touch she’d ever experienced. It was lighter—a whisper of energy that barely teased her skin, making all the small hairs on her body stand up like static electricity.

It made her restless at first. As their big hands ran up and down her body, she had to fight the urge to move. But then, the feeling of it changed—it became the lightest possible caress—a silky touch that made her nipples tighten and the V between her legs throb with desire.