As he focused on her, his eagerness nearly spilled over. “Let’s begin.”


Always sometimes display a secret playful side. This will keep certain gravekeepers on their toes.

–A Gravekeeper’s Guide to Dating

This might have been a huge mistake.

Conrad moved behind Jane to adjust her position for the coming “attack.” Her flowery scent remained in his nose, a temptation like no other. The fact that he was about to put his hands on her soft skin and perfect curves, after he’d just admitted to catching feelings in the middle of a homicide investigation, pushed his control to the brink of collapse.

“Like that,” he muttered, returning to his post in front of her.

“Got it.” With her legs braced apart, her fists up and her expression etched with determination, she reminded him of a cupcake with the word KILLER scripted across the icing.

Might have been a mistake? Might! He wasn’t sure he would survive this encounter.

“Ready?” He jumped from side to side while popping bones in his neck, pretending to wait for her response. Only, he didn’t wait. He lunged.

She yelped as he drove her to the springy grass. And yes, he ensured she landed gently. Hovering over her, he nearly kissed her before he chided, “You’ve got to be ready even when you’re not ready.” He flowed to his feet and pulled her to hers. “We’ll try this again.” Until she executed a perfect block by rote.

“I’ll be read—eek!”

Conrad took her down a second time. As she gaped up at him, he arched a brow. “You were saying?”

She opened and closed her mouth. He straightened and helped her to her feet again. Smoothing her garments in place, she said, “Yes. Well. Perhaps I’m luring you into a false sense of calm.”

He prowled around her, a predator who’d cornered prey. “Consider me extremely calm.” Whoosh. Down she went.

“Oh!” she fumed, lightly beating her fists into his shoulders. “You are showing off, and I am loving it!”

Snorting, he drew her to a stand. Her flirty words hadn’t matched her irritated tone, and the contrast proved as delightfully contradictory as the rest of her. “All right. This time, we go in slow motion. I attack, you defend with a little something I call the Testicle Relocator.” He showed her the move. “You do what I did, okay? Tell me your thought process every step of the way.”

“Okay, yes.” She nodded, eager. “This will be fun.”

Or torturous. “Here goes.”

As Conrad exaggerated his movements, she said, “I’m thinking oh dear, trouble found me. Look at those biceps. Wow! No, no. Concentrate. I’m supposed to stop him. With a one-two strike? Yes!” She acted out the motion.

“Very good,” he said, fighting a grin. A common occurrence in her presence.

“Very good,” she replied, mocking him. But even that was done politely.

He barked a laugh. “Now, we do it again and again and again, picking up the pace as warranted.” And that was exactly what they did.

He took his job seriously and worked with her, relentless in his precision. She surprised him over and over by absorbing instruction or correction and adapting, improving by leaps and bounds. All the while, they shared an easy back and forth, every part of him excited to be alive, helping this woman in some way, enhancing her life as she’d enhanced his.

“You’re a natural,” he praised.

She preened, making his freaking heart skip a beat.

He rasped, “That’s enough for one night.”

Disappointment flickered in her eyes, but she didn’t protest. In silence, they ambled into the house, where Beau was busy gathering his tools.

“Thank you so much for your time and energy,” she told her friend, ever gracious. “Oh, and your dohickey majigs.”

Dohickey majigs? As in, the things he’d added to the locks? “Yes, thank you,” Conrad reiterated, meaning those words from his deepest depths. Rivals or not, friends or not, the vet had made Jane’s safety and well-being a priority. He must give respect where respect was due.

“Anytime. See you two later.” Beau nodded at them on his way out the door.

For the first time, Conrad detected total acceptance from the guy. Far more than a concession. There was no question the other male had relinquished any lingering romantic aspirations toward Jane and only sibling love remained.

Relief poured through Conrad as Jane issued a sunny wave and called, “Okay, bye.”

He kept his attention on the gravekeeper… who quickly sensed his intensity and shivered. Her gaze slowly slid to his, and her lips parted. A brand-new flush spread over her cheeks.

He entered her personal space, unable to stay away, and traced his knuckles over her jawline. Goose bumps traveled over her skin, thrilling him. He winked and smiled. “Try not to miss me too much.” He severed contact and turned before he did something even more foolish.

Voice sweetness and light, she called, “Don’t die on your way home.”