Delight and nervousness battled for domination of her features. Guessed a bit of his meaning? The nervousness won, and she changed the subject. “Will any of the other investigators be joining us?”

“Wanted to check things out myself before bringing a unit here.” Plus, he’d been halfway to Aurelian Hills when the call came in. He’d decided to have a meal in town and eavesdrop on the locals. For the good of the case.

“Do you know why fleur-de-lys signs are being spray painted on vehicles?” Jane asked.

Anything he knew, he wasn’t allowed to share. “Tell me more about the tours you conduct.”

She smiled again. “Do you want to know the different kinds I give? What areas of the cemetery I highlight? A list of those who have recently attended?”

“Everything.” Maybe not only for the case.

She launched into a story that centered around the gold rush. Unfortunately, she never mentioned the Order of Seven. Because he was unable to site the cult outright–a detail they were holding close to the vest–he tried to steer her in that direction without being obvious. But all too soon an easy back and forth developed, and he forgot the case entirely. When a light wind blew past, she clasped the edges of her hat, and he lost track of everything else—only his companion registered.

Did she have any idea how beautiful she was? A well of water to a man suddenly aware he was dying of thirst.

“What do you do out here? Exactly,” he clarified. He thought he saw her calming effect in every tree and stone.

“For starters, I inherited caretaking duties from my Grandma Lily.”

Finally he asked the question he wished to know most. “What happened to your parents?”

“Both are gone.”

Sympathy flooded him. Was the loss part of the hurt Fiona hinted at? “I’m sorry. I know the pain of losing your family. I was ten when I lost mine.” The words left him of their own accord, shocking him. He never spoke of his family with anyone, yet he’d just casually tossed out the truth with Jane.

She pressed a hand over her heart. “Oh, Conrad. That must have been horrible for you. But, um, I meant neither of them live in Aurelian Hills. Or even Georgia, for that matter. They had me while in high school. My father moved to New Mexico instead of marrying my mom. He’s never really been part of my life. My mother wasn’t ready for me either, I guess, so Grandma Lily raised me.”

Ouch. Her parents might not have died in a tragic accident, but she’d lost them nonetheless. “Pain is pain.”

She chewed on her bottom lip before asking, “Who ended up raising you?”

“The system.” He left it at that but honestly? Even offering that much information was an oddity for him. But even more surprising was his longing to divulge more. Would she understand? “Your mom isn’t part of your life anymore?”

“She is, and she isn’t. When I was three, she relocated to Alabama. She took me with her and tried to be a mother, but she struggled. In the end, she shipped me back to Grandma Lily for the summer, and I never left. Now Mom is married and living in Texas with my two half-sisters. She calls me sometimes.”

The barest hint of anguish simmered in her undertone. Deep inside him, anger sparked. At least Conrad had known abundant, unwavering love before the death of his mother. Jane had experienced only rejection from hers.

He shoved his hand in his pocket to stop himself from hugging her.

Hug someone? Conrad? What was this woman doing to him? “And your dad?” he asked as gently as possible.

“He’s not a dad to me but a father,” she said, the anguish more pronounced. “He has another family, an ex-wife and three grown sons.” She waved a hand through the air. “And that’s a wrap on the story of Jane Ladling. We should probably concentrate on the case. That is why you’re here, and the weapon is around the next corner.”

The sympathy welled anew.

They passed a wrought iron arch, entering an area teeming with flowers. Sheriff Moore stood near a headstone shaped like a dog. For the second time in their acquaintance, their journey had ended far too soon.

Conrad stopped and met Jane’s gaze. “Thank you for the escort.” Though he wished to linger, it was time to become a special agent.

She smiled at him, understanding, then turned and promptly sneezed. He almost grinned, charmed all over again as she walked away muttering about not being sick.

Solve the case, focus on the girl.


Learn to flash a lopsided smile on command. It disarms anyone with a pulse

–A Gravekeeper’s Guide to Dating

Conrad read over details he’d gleaned about Beauregard Harden. Decorated war vet, special forces, and an expert at digital security. No traffic tickets. Once pulled an elderly widow from a burning car. All together a pretty decent guy, if you liked heroes.