Rolex perched on the bed, staring at Beau, who knelt in front of the only window. The feline slowly craned his head in Conrad’s direction and hissed.
Need the little criminal’s approval if I’m going to date his mother. Ignoring him for now—what else could he do?—Conrad selected the proper tools from the array lined up on the floor and concentrated on the doorknob. The lock had rusted.
“Do you even know what you’re doing?” Beau asked him as Jane settled beside her cat to scratch the little monster behind his ears.
“I do. In my spare time, I like to tinker with Stella.”
The other man snorted. “Please don’t tell me that’s a lady robot.”
Conrad snorted right back. “She’s my kit car. Well, part kit car, part my own design. Right now I’m scouring the internet for an antique spoiler and…I’ve lost you both, haven’t I?”
A pause. Then, “Cars aren’t my thing,” Beau admitted. “I prefer to work with wood. I’ve gotten good at birdhouses and squirrel feeders.”
Conrad joked, “Not a manly and rugged hobby like mine, but not bad either.”
They snickered at each other, as if they were buddies. Maybe they were. He knew he admired the man, and wasn’t that the first step?
Lapsing into silence, they finished both upstairs bedrooms and moved on to the downstairs guest bedroom. A delightful room. Inviting, with a large brass bed covered by a mostly yellow patchwork quilt. Atop a hand painted dresser sat a basket of half-completed funny bunnies.
“Anyone work up an appetite yet?” Jane said. “I have all the ingredients for cheese straws, chicken salad sandwiches and blueberry cobbler.” She didn’t wait for a reply, but dashed off.
The second they were alone, Conrad said, “I already told her I want the security feed, so now I’ll tell you. I expect it today.” Rather than remind Jane of the incident, forcing her to relive her terror, he went straight to the source.
“One step ahead of you. I emailed you a link before we finished the last room.”
Okay. “Appreciate it.”
They were getting started on the front door locks in the living room when their adorable hostess announced the promised snacks were ready. In the kitchen, a veritable spread covered the peninsula. Besides the sandwiches, straws, and leftovers from the tray, she’d added asparagus wrapped in some kind of puffed-up bread, and the other food group: fried. Fried okra, fried pickles, and fried green beans.
Conrad couldn’t not stuff his face. Every bite tasted better than the last. “I might have to double my jog time after this,” he muttered.
“You’re a jogger? That’s cute.” Beau seized a couple cheese straws. “I lift weights. Big ones. Huge.”
“Enjoy joint replacement surgery in a few years.” Conrad plucked the remaining straws off the platter.
He would swear Beau almost laughed. “When I go camping, I only take a knife. It’s all I need.” The vet’s challenging tone proclaimed, Beat that.
“When I go camping, I take my bare hands.”
They shared another snicker.
“All right. We’ll settle the battle of the toughest with football,” Conrad said. “Tell me your team.”
“Georgia Bulldogs.”
“Tech Yellow Jackets.”
They both chuckled. Rivals.
Beau took a drink of sweet tea. “Enjoy losing this season.”
What did Jane think of this? Conrad peered her way and chuckled all over again. She wasn’t even listening. Instead, she stared faraway, lost in thought. When a radiant smile lit her lovely face, he couldn’t help but draw nearer to her. Oh, the things he would give to peek inside her brain.
“Leave her to her daydream,” Beau said with a quiet tone. “Let’s finish up.”
Walking away proved difficult, but he did it. As soon as he and Beau replaced every lock and bolt in the cottage, Conrad said his goodbyes and headed to his vehicle. He wanted to remain, but he needed to work. Who murdered Hotchkins, and who broke in her house. His fingers tightened around the steering wheel at even the thought of someone disrupting her peace of mind.
At home, he didn't bother getting comfortable. He just sat down and watched the security feed the vet had sent him. The intruder wore a dark hooded jacket and gloves, plus a black and white skeleton mask and ratty brown wig. About the size of Tiffany Hotchkins and Emma Miller. Too short to be Caroline Whittington. Or Anthony Miller or Dr. Garcia in disguise.
Whoever she was, she entered the house with a key and flew out within minutes. Didn’t seem to be holding or carrying anything. A homicidal Rolex jetted after her, giving chase.
Okay. All right. Conrad absolutely saw the feline’s appeal. The sweet little darling.
He fast-forwarded to Fiona’s arrival but returned to normal speed upon Jane’s. The two women spoke before Jane rushed inside the house. Wasn’t long before she rushed back out, searching for her beloved baby. The anguish in her expression nearly unmanned Conrad.
Did the break-in have anything to do with the case? It must. And he must solve it. Fast.