Sympathy welled in her eyes, and it was almost more than he could withstand. “Conrad—”
“Nope.” That soft tone of hers! Worse than those glorious baby blues. “I’m done.” No more personal stuff today. He anchored the lid on his soup, an outward version of his inward shutdown.
The sympathy only deepened. He should go. He—lost his train of thought. Appearing a bit dazed, she reached out and traced her fingertips over the tattoos on his forearm.
His muscles jumped and tingled. He wanted to reach back. Not following the urge required a resolve he didn’t think he could maintain for long. Better to move on—for now.
He adjusted his position, ending the contact. “Ready for that dessert?”
A blush stained her cheeks as he withdrew peanut butter cookies from the bag. In an act of mercy, she allowed the subject to change and snatched the biggest from his clasp, complaining, “It’s as if you can read my mind.”
How he liked this woman. “I think I can do anything but that. Reading you is tough. You show too much and too little at the same time. I’ve never struggled to read anyone like this.”
A tinkling laugh escaped her, and his gut tightened. There it was; his addiction. Before she had a chance to respond to his words, a knock sounded at the back door. She gasped, startling again.
“Beau,” he said, brow arched.
“Hopefully.” Nibbling on the cookie, she hopped up and strolled to the door.
Conrad rose as well and trailed her but stopped several feet back to lean a shoulder against a wall.
Beau occupied the other side of the entrance. His discomfort was clear as he balanced a small plastic, lidded bowl in his hands.
“Hi,” she said, and Conrad had no problem seeing the truth now. She’d meant what she’d said. Zero romantic interest in Beau. She projected all kinds of warmth, but no real heat. There wasn’t a blip of a leer. “Please, come in.”
“No, thank you.” His gaze slid to Conrad to pass a message. I concede. I’m trusting you with her. For now. “I saw his car and thought you might need support.”
What a great day this had turned out to be.
Jane offered her friend a sweet smile. “That’s so kind, but I’m great. Conrad brought my favorite soup. We’ve been conferring about the case.” The delighted pride in her tone…yeah, it did something to him.
“How are you feeling?” Beau asked, being respectful of her choice. “Truly?”
“Good enough to remember our deal. Don’t think you’re getting out of it. Oh! While I’ve got you, we need to discuss the bill you haven’t given me.”
The other man stepped backward and shook his head. “Just haven’t gotten around to it yet.”
“Beau, I insist on paying you. And don’t forget to put your sign at the gate. If you haven’t already.” She motioned to the kitchen. “Are you sure you don’t want to come in? We can brainstorm the coming date—”
Beau flinched ever so slightly. “This is for you.” He thrust the container her way. “I brought you soup as well.”
She brightened. “Thank you, Beau. I love it.”
The vet deadpanned, “You haven’t even tasted it. It’s not from Daisy’s.” He grew visibly embarrassed. “I, uh, made it. On my own.”
Conrad winced at the other man. Rookie mistake. Always give the woman what she wants.
“It smells delicious,” she said, “and now I have dinner. So about that deal. You’re keeping your end of the bargain, yes?”
Wait. Bargain? What bargain?
“I’ll call you about the date, okay?” Beau spun on his heel and took off.
“I consider that a definite yes,” she called, before shutting the door.
“Date?” Conrad closed the distance, determined to unearth an answer. His hands curled into fists.
She faced him, giving a start at his nearness. “A double.” Gazing up at him through the thick fan of her lashes, she said, “Hey, speaking of, do you happen to know a single man who might be willing to have dinner with me? Unless this is considered a conflict of interest?”
Had she just asked him out? “I’m still confused. Double date?”
“I’m setting Beau up with this really great girl, possibly, but he insists I bring a date too. Therefore, I’m on the prowl.”
“He insists,” Conrad echoed, caught up in his question. Had she asked him out or not?
“I think he’s shy,” she continued, “and I’m a safety net. Everyone needs a support system.”
“I get that.” If she hadn’t invited Conrad to a romantic evening, she’d hinted about a set up with someone he knew. “Why do you want to meet one of my friends?” he asked, in case that was her meaning.
She spun with dramatic flair and pressed against the counter. “No one in town is interested in me and that’s okay, because I’m not interested in any of them either. Truth be told, I’m pretty anti-relationships.”
That…hmm. That wasn’t what he’d expected to hear. Even though she’d once told him she would never fall in love or marry. “Explain.”