All of us would be together. Working on the ranch. Making music in the studio. And living life. It would be a lot of work getting everything built and set up, but we were more excited than daunted.
We were able to embark on this new adventure as a group instead of worrying about being alone and unsure. We would go on date nights, go riding in the woods, play small shows at the local venues until my label arranged a proper tour, and be truly happy for the first time in our lives. If people caught on to our relationship and made comments, we wouldn’t listen.
At the end of the day, we were happier than ever, and that was all that mattered.
Career-wise, it took a lot of discussion and decision making, but my label allowed me to move back to Chalice Falls. It certainly helped that our song became a huge hit, playing on the radio all over the country. The label wanted us to work on a collaboration album, and after our honeymoon in the mountains, we would get in the studio and get to work.
Leaving New York didn’t completely get rid of the craziness in my life as a country star. When the press got wind of the wedding, they flooded into Chalice Falls, wanting to get the scoop. However, the guys and I agreed on a small wedding and kept all outside, prying eyes out. This was our special moment, and I didn’t want anyone ruining that.
“Are you ready?”
I turned to face Cindy, our wedding planner.
“Yes,” I replied with a beaming smile on my face. I couldn’t wait to walk down that aisle and see the guys. Ryder made the others his best men, so they would be right there when I gave my vows and secretly promised myself to them too. I couldn’t wait to see the looks on their faces.
In the time that I had been with them, I hadn’t ever felt so positive about myself and my life. I got to live my dream as an artist, and I also got to experience more love and support than I ever thought possible. I felt like I was glowing, situated on top of the world.
Life couldn’t get any better than this.
Cindy led me out of the room and down the hallway of Chalice Falls’ community center building. She headed toward the main ballroom where the reception was being held, her heels clicking on the wooden floor.
I breathed in deeply as I approached the double doors, my heart thudding heavily. The moment I walked through into that room, my life would change forever, and I couldn’t wait another second.
When the music started, Cindy nodded to me, motioning for me to walk into the room.
I pushed open the doors and stepped inside, my eyes falling on Ryder and the guys waiting for me at the end of the aisle in their sharp black suits. The pews on each side of the aisle didn’t have many people, but the most notable person was Brianna, who subtly waved at me with a beaming smile on her face. I was so glad that she was able to catch my wedding before leaving again.
I smiled at her before beginning my walk down the aisle, my chest growing tight. I wasn’t nervous, but I was excited. It felt like my entire life had been building up to this moment.
The heartbreak. The confusion. The passion. All of it led to this, and I wouldn’t change a thing.
Ryder grinned at me, and I swore his eyes were glistening. He put his hand over his mouth for a moment once I got close.
“You look gorgeous,” he told me.
I gave him a thankful smile before looking over at the guys, who nodded and grinned at me in a knowing manner. I would be showered with compliments and kisses the moment that we were all alone. For now, it was time to make things official.
The officiant nodded to me politely and waited for Ryder and me to face each other before starting. His words rang out throughout the ballroom. I heard quite a few wedding speeches, but they never hit as hard as they did right now.
This was my wedding. My moment. I just couldn’t believe that I was here.
“Today, we are gathered here to witness the joining of two souls,” the officiant announced.
Truthfully, it was six souls. I flashed a small smirk at the others before resting my eyes back on Ryder. When I was a lovestruck teenager, I imagined marrying him and raising a family with him. I got to do that and even more.
Once Ryder and I exchanged rings, we stepped closer, ready to vow ourselves to each other. The others had their own rings that we all picked out together. They would wear them proudly. No one needed to know our business.