A whole album.
That meant I could probably spend a whole year in this town with the band. My heart raced at the thought, and I was torn between excitement and nervousness.
Of course, nothing was set in stone yet. The decision to do an album together wouldn’t officially be pursued until we saw the results of the song. Plus, the band would have to sign off on it as well, and I didn’t know their stance on that.
I wasn’t going to bring it up just yet either. We still needed to fully finish the song, to reach the end of this chapter in our lives together. Afterward, we either shelved the book or started a brand new chapter.
“Everything okay?”
I turned to see Jesse stepping out of the studio.
“Yeah, the label really likes the song and can’t wait to hear the mastered version,” I said with a smile.
Jesse immediately grinned and wrapped me up in a hug, resting his head against mine.
“Is it cocky of me to say that I’m not surprised?” he asked with a light chuckle.
I buried my face against his chest, breathing in his woodsy-scented cologne and never wanting to leave his arms.
“No, it’s not. We made an amazing song,” I replied.
“I wanted to ask you something.” Jesse said. “It’s totally fine if you don’t want to or don’t feel comfortable doing it, but I’ve got an uncle flying into the state a few towns over and have to pick him up at the airport. I won’t be able to make it back in time to pick up Maria from school. Do you think you could grab her? You can just bring her here if you want, and she can spend some time with her uncles,” Jesse asked with a slightly sheepish look on his face. “I feel bad asking, but I trust you with her, and she’s been dying to sing Disney songs with you.”
My heart skipped a little as I gazed at him.
He trusted me with his daughter. The most important person in his life. An inkling of me worried that the guys only liked having me around for music and sex on the side, but I couldn’t help but feel like things were deeper than that on their end too.
“I’d be honored to pick up the princess from school,” I said with a warm laugh.
Relief flooded across Jesse’s face as he nodded and cupped my face.
“You’re a lifesaver. Thank you. I can’t begin to explain how much it means to me,” he said.
The sincerity in his voice made my knees weak. I liked when the guys were open with me, when they expressed what they truly felt and thought. It made me feel even more connected to them.
And it made me fall that much harder.
My fingers drummed against the steering wheel of Carson’s car as I pulled up in front of Maria’s school, waiting in the car rider line that stretched out behind me. I soon caught sight of Maria’s pink backpack as she bounded over, letting one of the teachers pull open the door to the backseat for her.
“Hi, Maria,” I greeted her with a warm smile, hoping that she remembered me and was even happy that I was picking her up. The last thing that I wanted to do was make a bad impression.
“Hi!” Maria said as she got buckled in. Luckily, Carson didn’t need his car for the afternoon, and he knew how to hook up Maria’s car seat.
“How was your day?” I asked as I drove away from the school, my heart hammering slightly. I couldn’t help but be nervous. Jesse was relying on me, and I wanted to show him that I could look after his daughter.
“Good. I’m hungry,” Maria told me.
I chewed on my bottom lip for a second. What would a child want to eat?
“Do you want some pizza?” I asked her, knowing a great spot that I used to frequent as a young teenager.
“Yes!” Maria cheered.
I took us to Angelo’s Pizzeria, a staple in town with a white and red theme and leather booths. Once we got situated, I ordered a cheese pizza to share and two sodas. I hoped Jesse didn’t mind the junk food.
Oh, boy. Was I doing this right?
I tensed as I heard someone call Maria’s name. Turning my head and peering out of the booth, I spotted a small boy with shaggy, dark hair hurrying our way, dragging his mom by the hand. My eyes immediately widened at the sight of the familiar brunette.
“Laura?” I asked.
Laura gasped in surprise as she approached our table, letting her son greet Maria.
“Delilah Harrington. I thought I’d never see your pretty face here again!” Laura exclaimed as we embraced.
“I didn’t think I’d be back either,” I admitted. I hadn’t seen Laura since high school graduation, which was a week before I left town. She had been one of my friends throughout high school. Whenever we could, we scheduled classes together.