“You do?”
“Yeah, I’ll sign whatever you want because I know I’m never using another drug again.” He glances down at Rory and then back up at me. “I have too much to live for.”
I sigh in relief. “Thank you for understanding.”
“No.” He shakes his head. “Thank you. You have no idea what this means to me… you being here.” He envelops me in a hug. “I’m going to earn your trust, Sadie, one day at a time. And then…” He pulls back and looks into my eyes. “I’m going to earn your heart.”
“Gage… what do you mean, my heart?” Sadie asks, looking a mixture of shocked and nervous. I didn’t mean for it to come out the way it did, but now that it’s out there, I might as well own my intentions.
“I want you,” I tell her straight up. “I messed up back then and wasn’t in a place to start something with you, but I knew, even blitzed out of my mind, that you were a keeper. And that’s what I want… to keep you.”
She swallows thickly, and I cup the back of her neck and look into her beautiful emerald eyes that remind me of a fresh start. “I know it’s going to take time for you to let me in, but I need you to know my endgame. It’s you and me and Rory under one roof. And not because we share a daughter.
“I felt it back then, the connection we shared, in and out of bed, but I was too damn scared and high not to fuck it all up. I pushed you away, thinking it was for the best, wanting you to move forward and find love and happiness, but there were so many days I considered reaching out, especially once I was clean, wanting to beg you to give me another chance. And then I find out you had my baby.
“Fuck, it’s like fate stepping in on my behalf. And I would be a damn fool not to take advantage of this second chance I’ve been given.”
She sighs into my touch. “I get it. Even back then, I felt the connection between us while I was grieving, but I don’t know if I can put myself out there again. I’d like to think I’ve healed from my past, but the pain goes beneath the scars, where nobody but me can see.”
“I get it,” I tell her, feeling her words in the deepest part of my soul. “I think that’s what drew me to you. Our shared pain. Knowing no matter what we do, we’ll never be the same again.”
She nods in understanding. “I want to try, to see where things go. I can’t make any promises, but I want to try.”
“That’s all I’m asking. For a chance.” I frame her face and press my lips softly against hers, breathing in her scent for several seconds before I back up and give her some space.
“I should probably get going,” she says softly.
“Where are you staying?” I ask, still in shock that they’re really here. One minute, I was sitting down to sign the paperwork to terminate my contract with Blackwood, and then the next, I’m kissing her in Easton’s office after she tells me she’s moving here… for me.
She shrugs sheepishly. “I didn’t exactly think this through.”
“Sadie.” I cup the side of her face. “Are you sure about this? If you need to think—”
“No, I’m sure. I just didn’t think through how it would all unfold.” She laughs nervously. “I rented a room at the W temporarily. One day at a time, right?”
“We’ll get it all sorted,” I promise. There’s no way I’m going to let her and our daughter sleep at a hotel long term, but this came so out of the blue, I’m going to need a minute to gather my bearings and get everything figured out.
“Dada,” Rory says, her voice gruff from sleep.
“Yeah, princess, I’m here.” I kneel in front of her stroller, watching as she rubs the sleep from her eyes.
“Dada.” She sits up and lifts her arms, wanting me to take her out. “Dada!”
“We really should get out of here.” Sadie laughs. “I imagine you have band stuff to do, and the last thing anyone wants is this crazy child being let loose.”
I chuckle at how adorable she is. One thing about Blackwood Records is that it’s family-oriented. Someone’s kid is always hanging around. “Or you could stay,” I tell her. “The guys will be stoked to find out that I’m still in because of you. I’d love to introduce you to them in person.”
“You sure they won’t mind me crashing?”
I pick Rory up, and she hooks her little legs around my hip, her arms wrapping around my neck. “Nah, they’re going to be excited to meet you.”
Sadie pushes the stroller behind me as I guide her back to the office where I left the guys waiting. When we enter, they stand, all looking a mixture of nervous and curious.