“Are you guys okay?”
“I’ve been calling you for the past two days, and you haven’t answered!” he barks. “When you didn’t call me two nights in a row for bedtime, I got scared and got on a plane.”
Oh, shit! “I’m so sorry,” I whisper, opening the door so he can come inside. “Rory got sick, and I gave her my phone to watch a show in bed, and it must’ve died. I took her to the doctor, and we ended up staying in the hospital overnight, and I was just so worried and exhausted, I forgot about my phone.”
Gage’s features morph from pissed to worried. “Rory’s sick? Is she okay? Why the hell didn’t you call me?”
“I…” I begin, ready to make an excuse but cut myself off because no matter which way I slice it, I’m in the wrong. “I forgot,” I admit, shaking my head. “I’m so used to doing this all myself that I literally forgot about you. I’m so sorry.”
Gage’s face falls, and I feel like the biggest piece of shit. He’s been trying so hard to be in our daughter’s life, even though he’s long distance. I would be so mad if I found out she was sick and in the hospital, and Gage forgot to tell me.
“Can I see her?” he asks, his voice resigned and distant.
“She’s sleeping, but you can go peek in.”
He nods and walks to her room. A few minutes later, he comes back out. “Can I come back tomorrow and see her?”
“Of course,” I say, stepping toward him. “Gage, I really am sorry. I was just scared, and it was all a lot. She has a respiratory virus, which can be serious for babies born prematurely, and an ear infection. I went into mom mode and blanked out. It doesn’t by any means make it okay, but I just want you to know I didn’t not tell you to exclude you. You’re her dad, and in the future, I’ll make sure to keep you informed.”
“It’s okay,” he says softly. “I appreciate it. Is she okay now?” Somehow, him not yelling or getting mad makes me feel worse. If the situation were reversed, I would’ve freaked the hell out on him.
“She’s on medication for her ear infection and cough and has to do the nebulizer twice a day. I also have a vaporizer going in her room.”
He nods. “That’s good. Do you need anything?”
“No. I’m just tired. It’s been a long couple of days.”
Another nod. “All right, well, I’ll get out of your hair and let you get some sleep. I need to go see if the hotel has availability. I’ll be back in the morning.”
“Or you can stay,” I blurt out.
He quirks a brow.
“I have a guest room. Well, it’s my office, but there’s a bed in there. That way, you don’t have to spend money on a room.” Another pop of his brow. “You’ll be here in the morning when Rory wakes up.” This gets his attention.
“You sure you’re okay with that?”
“Yeah, of course. You’re her father. I really am sorry for not calling you.”
“All right,” he says. “I’ll stay. It’ll be nice getting to see her in the morning when she wakes up.” He smiles softly. “Thanks.”
After showing him the bedroom and then saying good night, I head to bed, knowing all too well Rory will be up bright and early, and if I don’t get some sleep, it’s going to be another long-ass day.
My throat aches when I swallow.
My eyes burn.
An itch in the back of my throat bubbles up and forces me to cough.
Dammit, I’m sick.
I knew this was a possibility, but I was hoping the vitamin C I’ve been popping would help my immune system. Guess not.
I groan, reaching over to take a sip of my bottled water, and then wince when it hurts going down. Just great. Nothing more fun than trying to care for my sick baby while being sick myself.
And then it hits me: sick baby. Why isn’t my sick baby crying?
What time is it?
The sun peeking through the blinds tells me it’s daylight.
I jump out of bed and run down the hall, finding Rory’s room empty. And then I remember Gage spent the night. My heart picks up speed. He wouldn’t have taken her anywhere, right?
He was upset that I forgot to tell him that she was sick, but he wouldn’t have just up and left with her to punish me.
Oh, God! What if he left to get breakfast with her?
Memories from the past surface.
Me miscarrying.
Sleeping in.
Vincent taking Collin to get breakfast.
Neither of them ever coming home.
“Oh, God, please no.”
“Hey, you okay?”
I twirl around and find Gage standing in the doorway with Rory attached to his hip.
“Oh, thank God. I thought…” I shake my head, unable to finish my thought.
“You thought I left with Rory,” he finishes, his lips curving into a frown.