“Mama! Dada!” Rory yells, wanting our attention.

“Let’s go sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to our princess,” I murmur to Sadie. “Then figure out a way to make her stop growing.”



“I’m sending you guys a schedule for the upcoming promo and engagements you’ll be required to attend,” Mario, our publicist, says, glancing up from his phone. We’ve finalized the album, titled Calm After the Storm, and are going over all the shit that comes next. “But I wanted to let you know that tonight you’ll be performing at Ruckus. I know it’s last minute, but the artist who was supposed to perform got sick.” The name of the club sends a shiver down my spine. It’s been over a year since I’ve been in a club, and Ruckus is one of the crazier ones. I spent too much time in VIP, getting high after our performances.

“Tonight?” Camden groans. “Tomorrow’s Mother’s Day.”

“Layla will be working as well,” Mario says. “Since you guys are making a comeback, we’ll document everything into a vlog series. It’s all in the informational packet I emailed.”

“She approved that?” Camden asks, pulling out his phone to call his wife, who’s one of Blackwood’s videographers and has been mostly on leave since she gave birth to Marianna—aside from doing a few small gigs like Kendall and Declan’s music video.

“I did,” she says, walking in, all business. “I actually just got out of a meeting a few minutes ago, or I would’ve told you. You know I’ve been thinking about going back to work, and your dad agreed to me coming back part-time, working with you guys on the promo for your upcoming album.”

Camden grins, no doubt loving that he’ll have his wife around. One of the things that sucks about putting out an album is how busy we get with promo. I’m already dreading all the time I’ll be away from Sadie and Rory, but it’s all part of the game, and once it’s done, we’ll take some time off before we go on tour. I’m hoping to convince her to join us, at least some of the time, so I don’t have to go too long without seeing my girls.

“Anything else?” Braxton asks, standing and ready for this meeting to be over.

Mario looks over his notes. “Nope. Be at Ruckus tonight at eight o’clock for the sound check.”

We all take off, and I head home, only stopping at the deli to pick us up dinner. Since Paul is driving, I allow myself to get lost in my thoughts. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about tonight. It’s the first time I’ll be back in the environment that enabled me to drown myself in my sorrows and grief. Somehow, it feels like I’m being given a test that I still don’t feel prepared for even though I've studied. I pull out my phone, texting Kaylee to see if she’s going. She immediately responds that she was planning to, but if I want Sadie to go and need a sitter, she’d be more than happy to watch Rory. I thank her and tell her that I’ll let her know, and then I text my therapist, asking if she’s available. When she hasn’t responded by the time I get home, I put my phone away to focus on my girls.

When I walk in the door, Rory is crying, and Sadie is cradling her in her arms. It’s not often Rory cries. I don’t have any babies to compare her to, but she seems extremely chill. Unless she’s teething, she sleeps all night and rarely throws tantrums.

“What happened?” I ask, dropping the food onto the table and walking over to them.

“I was trying to get some editing done, and she got into the cabinets… slammed her finger in the door.”

“Is she okay? Do we need to take her to the hospital?”

“She’s okay.” Sadie sighs. “It just hurt and scared her. She refused to take a nap today, and I’m running behind on a manuscript that’s due. I usually work while she naps or sleeps, but I’ve been a little preoccupied lately.” She glances at me, her cheeks staining pink, and I smirk, remembering the way I took her last night in the shower after we put Rory to bed and then again in bed while we were watching TV. I can’t get enough of her, and the moment Rory is asleep, I spend our time together all over her. I hadn’t thought about the fact that means she isn’t getting her work done, but she hasn’t once complained or said anything.

“Do you want me to take her so you can get some work done?” I ask, reaching out for Rory, who’s calmed slightly, and taking her into my arms.

“No, it’s okay. But I need to get this done tonight, so maybe…” She twists her lips, and my stomach drops at the thought of her not wanting me to spend the night.