The thought of my dad causes a dull ache in my chest. My parents tried for years to have a baby, but it wasn’t until my mom was forty-seven and my dad was fifty-three that she mistakenly got pregnant with me. They were so excited but also scared because of her age. Everything turned out okay, but them having me later in life meant I didn’t have any siblings. I also lost them in my early twenties, shortly after I got married and gave birth to Collin.

I glance out at the band, zeroing in on Gage, remembering what Kaylee said about him being an orphan and the only family he has is his band. A deep sense of understanding tugs at my heartstrings. In a lot of ways, we’re both alone in this world, seeking love and acceptance, a safe place to land when we fall, and if I let Gage in, we can be each other’s soft landing.

“All right, that was good,” Camden says. His gaze meets mine, and he nods subtly. I expect him to tell Gage I’m here, but instead, he says, “Let’s do ‘Bleeding Heart’ next.” The guys nod, and then Gage, who’s sitting behind his drum kit, counts them in and then starts. I don’t know anything about music, but holy shit, the way he hits the drums wakes up something in me that’s been dormant for a long time. I don’t know if it’s the passion in his eyes or the way his muscular forearms and biceps flex every time he hits the drums, but damn, it’s suddenly hot in here.

Declan and Braxton both join in with their guitars, and a second later, Camden starts singing. His eyes meet mine once again, and as he sings the first line, he winks at me. At first, I wonder what the hell is going on until Easton murmurs, “Gage wrote this song,” and then it all clicks.

Emerald eyes, soft smile, big heart

She’s everything a man could ever want

Makes it bittersweet to know there’s a chance

She’ll never be mine

Someone like me doesn’t deserve her time

But that doesn’t stop me from wanting to take what’s mine

From wanting her heart to be mine

Her body, her soul, all mine

So I’m holding on, biding my time

Waiting for the chance

To prove I’m worth her time

She captured my heart

Broken, bleeding

It was useless, barely beating

But with one look, one touch, she brought me back to life

Now I’m living, breathing

Every day I’m healing

And I want the same for her

I want to be the one for her

It won’t be easy, but I’m determined to heal her bleeding heart

She’s got no reason to let me in

To give me the chance to make shit right

But I’m not going to stop

Until I’ve reached into her chest and taken hold of her broken heart

It’s bleeding crimson all over the floor

But I’m going to heal it, fix the broken, and bring her back to life

So she’s living, breathing, feeling what she does to me

So I’m holding on, biding my time

Waiting for the chance

To prove I’m worth her time

She captured my heart

Broken, bleeding

It was useless, barely beating

But with one look, one touch, she brought me back to life

Now I’m living, breathing

Every day I’m healing

And I want the same for her

I want to be the one for her

By the time the song ends, tears trail down my cheeks like twin waterfalls, knowing that song was about me.

And if I didn’t already know, when Gage’s eyes connect with mine, raw emotion etched in his features, it’s confirmed.

Camden tells the guys they’re done practicing for the day, but Gage is already heading our way. I don’t know where Easton and the guy working the sound booth went, but when Gage walks in, it’s only him, Rory, and me.

“I thought you weren’t coming…”

“Rory woke up.” I shrug, trying to play off the fact that my body buzzes with electricity, and my heart feels like it’s been resuscitated. “You wrote that song for me.”

Gage grins. “I did.”

He steps closer, his hand about to touch somewhere on me when Rory shrieks, “Dada, ow!”

His attention turns on her. “What’s wrong?” He bends so he’s at her level.

“Ow! Ow!”

“Sadie, is she okay?” he asks, worry in his tone as he unsnaps her straps and lifts her into his arms. The second she’s out of her stroller, she claps, a huge smile spreading across her face.

“I think she’s learned a new word,” I say with a laugh. “Ow seems to be out, only she can’t say the t yet.”

Gage sighs in relief, smiling at his daughter. “Is that what you wanted, princess? To get out of your stroller?” She presses her hands to the sides of his face and smushes his cheeks together. “Dada!”

“I’m so glad you guys are here,” he says, kissing the tip of her nose and making her giggle. “Have you heard from Kendall?”