She snuggles into my chest and sighs. “Thank you for coming.”
“You don’t ever have to thank me for being here for our daughter. This is where I belong… and I won’t be leaving anymore.”
Her head pops up in confusion. “What?”
“I told the guys I’m leaving the band. I can’t keep being in two places at once, and where I belong is with Rory… and you.”
“I know you have a boyfriend, but you’re the mother of my daughter, and we’re going to be spending the rest of our lives raising her together. Just please let me in as her father. That’s all I’m asking.”
She nods in understanding. “For the record,” she murmurs, putting her head back down to my chest. “I no longer have a boyfriend.” I still at her words. “He wasn’t happy about being kept on the outside, and I couldn’t let him in. So I ended things.”
“Can you let me in, Sadie?” I ask, tipping her chin up to look at me. “I know it’s scary as hell, especially with how shit started with us, but can you give me a chance, please?”
“I’m going to try,” she says. “You’re right. It is scary, but I’m really going to try.”
The next several days are filled with doctors and nurses and a very upset Rory, but thankfully, the ventilator does what it needs to do, and with her medication, she’s released with a clean bill of health. Since I came without any clothes, and I refused to leave my daughter, the nurses were nice enough to bring me scrubs I could wear and offer us a shower to use.
Rory is still groggy from all the medications, so when we get back to Sadie’s place—which I paid to be completely cleaned and sanitized—she plops onto the couch next to me and rests her tiny head against my arm.
“I’m going to go shower,” Sadie says, smiling over at us as I turn on the television and click on one of Rory’s favorite shows.
“Take your time. We’re good.”
I pull my phone out that I’ve been neglecting and scroll through the messages from the guys, asking me to think about this before I make any rash decisions. It’s easy for them to say that when their entire world is under one roof, but in order for me to be with my daughter, I have to drive eight hours or get on a plane.
Since I came with nothing, I’ll have to go back and pack, and then I need to find a place to live here near the girls. It’s going to take a little bit, but at least once it’s done, I’ll be near them.
Me: I’ll be back soon to get my stuff, and I can sign whatever paperwork you need me to sign.
Declan: I really wish you would reconsider. We can figure shit out.
Me: It’s not fair to you guys or to Sadie and Rory for me to always have one foot out the door.
Camden: We get it.
Braxton: Yeah, but we sure as hell don’t like it.
“All right, sweet girl. What do you say we go to the park and get some fresh air?” Rory shrieks and wobbles toward the door at the mention of the word park. “First, we have to get dressed.” I laugh, lifting her into my arms and carrying her to her room.
We’re both finally free of illness, so it will be nice to get out. It feels like we’ve been cooped up in the house—or hospital—for weeks. I’ve just finished changing her diaper and getting her dressed when there’s a knock on the door. Gage didn’t mention returning today. Actually, aside from saying he’s moving here once he gets everything sorted, he didn’t specify when that would actually be taking place.
“Let’s go see who it is,” I tell Rory as I walk to the door. I check the peephole and recognize the woman. At first, I can’t remember from where, but then it hits me.
“Hello,” I say when I open the door. “How can I help you?”
Kaylee, Braxton’s wife and Gage’s good friend, smiles softly at me. “I’m Kaylee Lutz,” she says, extending her hand.
“I know, Braxton’s wife. We met when I was staying with Gage a while back.”
She nods. “May I come in? I was hoping we could talk.”
“Sure.” Rory’s shyness toward strangers has her clinging to me when I try to set her down. “Would you like something to drink?” I ask, remembering my manners. “I have coffee, water, juice…” I cringe, and Kaylee laughs.
“I’m good, but thank you.” She smiles at Rory, who peeks at her through her lashes, curiously. “She’s beautiful. With your red hair and Gage’s blue eyes, Gage will be scaring the boys off left and right when she’s older.”
“Oh, God,” I groan jokingly. “She just started walking. Don’t turn her into a teenager yet. I don’t think I can mentally handle that.”