“Is she mine?” he asks, cutting straight to the chase, his eyes locking with mine.

“She’s mine.” I jut my chin out in defiance. “Now, if you’d please move, I have somewhere I need to be.”

Only he doesn’t move. He stands there, in my way, his gaze flitting between my daughter and me. “I know she’s yours,” he finally says. “She has your beautiful red hair and fair skin. That’s not what I asked. Is. She. Mine?”

I know what he asked… what he’s asking. But I can’t bring myself to say what he needs me to say. It’s my job to protect her, to keep her safe, and I can’t do that if he has access to her. I already failed my son. I can’t fail my daughter too. So despite Gage already knowing the answer, I say the only thing I can say. The only words that will come out of my mouth. The only answer that will protect my little girl, keep her out of harm’s way, and ensure that her fate isn’t the same as my son’s—her lifeless body buried six feet under because I trusted an addict who made promises he couldn’t keep.

“She’s mine and only mine,” I tell him as I pry his fingers from the stroller's handlebar.

“Sadie,” he growls, refusing to let me go. “She has my blue eyes and curly hair. Are you going to deny that she’s mine?”

“Don’t do this. Please, Gage,” I choke out, my emotions getting the better of me. “Please don’t do this. I… I have to protect her. She’s my entire world. Please, let me walk away. Whatever you think you know, just… for her sake, let it go… Let us go.”

Gage’s eyes widen, and he steps closer to me. “You want me to forget that I have a daughter? A daughter you didn’t tell me about? Are you serious right now?”

“Yes… Yes, I’m serious. You’re… an addict,” I hiss, trying like hell to remain strong. “Do you not remember how she was conceived? What happened after she was conceived? I’m trying to protect Rory, and I can’t do that with you coming around. So please—”

“Rory?” he asks.


“You said Rory. Is that her name?” His face softens as he glances down at her.

“It’s what I call her, but her name is Aurora. The name means dawn, like a new day. And that’s what she is for me: a new day, a fresh beginning,” I choke out, tears filling my lids. “Gage, please.” I place my hand on his chest. “She’s taken care of and loved and… safe. Please don’t do this. Don’t ask to be a part of her life and risk hurting her.”

Up until now, Rory has been quiet, munching away on her Cheerios and distracted by the passersby, but she must’ve had enough because she screeches, blubbering out, “Ma, Ma, Ma,” grabbing both Gage’s and my attention.

With the heat of his stare on me, I reach down and unbuckle her, pulling her into my arms. Her head goes to my shoulder, silently indicating that she’s tired and ready for a nap. “I already buried two babies,” I tell him. “One because a man couldn’t stay away from drugs. I can’t do that again. I’m not asking you for anything. I haven’t asked for a penny. I just want to love her and keep her safe.” I lay a soft kiss to the back of her head, inhaling her sweet baby scent. “Please. Do the right thing and let me go… let us go.”

Gage’s eyes redden slightly, filled with unshed tears, and I hate myself for asking him to walk away from his daughter, but I have to put my daughter first. I have to protect her at all costs, even if that means keeping her from the man who helped create her.

When he doesn’t say anything back, I take that as my answer, and before he can change his mind, I grab the stroller with one hand and push it back onto the sidewalk, needing to get away from him as quick as possible.

I don’t look back, don’t stop until I get to the train station, and the entire time, I don’t think about the guilt trying to catch up with me. I refuse to feel guilty for protecting my daughter. I’m doing what’s best for her, keeping her safe. That’s what a mother does, and that’s what I’ll always do until my last breath. I might not have been able to do that for Collin and wasn’t given the chance to do that for Rebekah, but I will succeed with Rory. At least Gage didn’t argue with me about it. Despite knowing she’s half his, he let me go. He heard my pleas and did what was best for her—let us go.

“Oh, Sadie,” Janice says when we walk up, pulling me into a hug. “It’s so good to see you.” She kisses my cheek, then looks down at Rory, who’s back in her stroller fast asleep. “I know this is hard for you, but thank you for coming.”