Everyone gives sideways glances to Shantae, but I don’t move. Coach clears his throat and says, “Remember, this does not leave this room. It gets out, you’ll have me to deal with.” I close my eyes, completely embarrassed but also thankful for my team. I made a mistake, and instead of being chewed out by my coach, I’m being supported. “All right, clear the room, but not you, Cameron.”
The girls all hug and kiss me before they leave the room, except Shantae. Coach exhales and then clears his throat once more. “Follow me outside.”
I do as he asks, and when we’re outside, he crosses his arms once more, not looking me in the eye. “Was the guy an asshole?”
“Not at all,” I say quickly. “He offered to marry me.”
He scoffed. “Boys are dumb.”
“Eh, so are girls.”
“True,” he says, shaking his head. “You sure? I know what the rules are, but I’d make an exception for you, and I’d make sure you have your scholarship and spot when you get back.”
I hesitate and really consider his words, but I know the truth. “I don’t want to be a mom yet.”
“Understandable. I support whatever you want, but I want you to know you have options.”
I swallow thickly. “Thank you.”
He gives me an awkward side hug. “Do you want me to go with you?”
I shake my head. “I didn’t even want you to know.”
Coach gives me a small smile.
“I didn’t want it to come back on you at all.”
He nods. “I’d walk through fire for my girls, so thank you. But I’ll be there if you want me to be.”
“It’s okay. The girls will go, and the guy is trying to change his schedule to come.”
“Good to know I don’t have to kill anyone today.” I know he says it to make me smile, but I couldn’t if I tried. Coach flashes a strained smile. “Text me if you need me.”
“I will.”
He squeezes my shoulder, and as I watch him head down the pathway toward his car, I am so thankful for him and my team. I am terrified—I probably will be until it’s all over—but I feel a lot better about the choice I’ve made. I found support where I didn’t think I’d have it, and that alone is a powerful feeling.
Chapter Five
Monday comes entirely too quickly.
I feel like I’m all over the place. I’m scared, I’m embarrassed, and I’m sad. I didn’t hear from Benny all weekend, and I hate how much that hurts my feelings. I refuse to text him first because I don’t want to beg him to be there for me. He doesn’t have to be. I let him off since this was what I chose. Maybe he was just being nice but really doesn’t agree with what I am doing. I don’t know, but it’s hard not to think of every single worst-case scenario when it comes to him. It doesn’t even matter; it isn’t like we’re together or ever will be.
I doubt he’ll ever speak to me again. Not that I blame him.
I look out the window at where anti-choice protesters hold signs and yell things at the pro-choice supporters across the street from them. My appointment is in thirty minutes and I’m supposed to head inside, but I’m struggling with moving. My heart is coming out of my chest, and I feel so sick to my stomach. Callie, Molly, and Lana are trying their best to make me feel comfortable, but even they know I am freaking out. Hell, I think they’re all freaking out. There isn’t a situation we wanted to be in. I sure as hell wish I weren’t.
But here I am.
My mom told me to call her after, even though she spent the morning begging me not to do this. I didn’t tell her what Coach said because then I knew she’d try to talk me out of it. I have to do this. I can’t wait. I already feel the guilt, but I’ve opted in for the counseling through the clinic for women who have abortions. It’s a new program, and I want to make sure I heal right. I don’t want to be fucked up…well, any more than I already am.
I was told not all the girls could come in with me, only walk with me to the front door since they don’t want a lot of people in the waiting room. Molly, Lana, and Callie are gonna wait to take me home, while the other girls from the team will head back once they walk to the door with me. I feel kind of silly, but after watching the anti-choice protesters go after people coming to the clinic, I’m thankful for the girls. I need them. I know if I’m making this choice, I should be proud and stand tall, but I’m scared. I wish my mom were here. I wish Benny were here.