Page 76 of Even in the Rain

He’s awesome out there. The whole team is. The vibe on the field is definitely a lot more tense than usual because of the championship title that’s on the line. The play is rougher, too. Seb gets tackled a lot. And while the other team is really good, they’re nothing compared to the Titans. They are warriors out there. And they win.

The Titans win the State Championship.

The crowd rushes the field as soon as the game ends, and I’m right there in the fray with them. Seb tosses his helmet and lifts me right off my feet, kissing me like I’m the one who played like a superstar tonight.

“State fucking champions, baby.” He grins as he sets me down. He rakes a hand through his damp hair, and his face goes a little white. “Shit, hold on a sec.”

He half jogs, half walks away from the crowd to the edge of the field and bends at the waist, hands planted on his knees. And then pukes his guts out.

I jog over to him, and he holds a hand out, motioning for me to stay back.

“I’m good. Just… give me a sec.”

He barfs again, sweat dripping down his face, from his forehead or his damp hair, I’m not sure. I spot a cooler a little way down, with a few bottles of Gatorade, and I run and grab one. When I get back, Graham is standing with him.

I hand Seb the Gatorade and he takes it from me but doesn’t even open it. Just stays there, still bent over but not throwing up anymore, at least.

“You alright?” Graham asks, taking the Gatorade from him and unscrewing the cap. And I feel like an idiot that I didn’t think to do that.

“Yeah…” Seb straightens slowly, dragging a shaky hand through his hair.

“You dizzy at all?”

Seb shakes his head once. “No” He glances over at me and gives me a weak smile. “Just… intense game. I’ll be fine in a sec.”

His dad scrutinizes him closely. Hands him the Gatorade again, and Seb takes a long swig this time.

“We should get you checked out.”

“I barely got jostled out there… I’m fine. It’s just nerves.” Seb looks at me again, then back at Graham. “Honestly, I’m fine.”

Graham nods slowly. “Alright… Well, take a minute.”


Dale comes over to join us and keeps people away while Seb sips more Gatorade, pacing back and forth, leaning over a couple more times with his hands braced on his knees.

“Should I go get the doc?” Dale asks after a bit, looking worried. Which makes me worried.

“Guys… stop. I’m fine.” Seb straightens, leveling his parents with an annoyed look. “Stop freaking out, alright? I was just stressed out tonight.” Then, more calmly, like he feels bad when he sees the concerned looks on their faces, he adds, “I promise, okay? I’m better now… Honestly.” A few minutes later, he gives us one of his signature dimpled grins. A little shaky, maybe, but still deadly. Still breathtakingly gorgeous. “See? Better.”

He does seem a little better. Honestly, I’m not surprised the nerves played a number on his body tonight. It would be weird if they hadn’t. I was a wreck just cheering him on from the stands.

After a while, he goes over to join his teammates amidst the scrum on the field. I stay back, letting him soak in the win, going over only once to bring him another bottle of Gatorade, which he chugs this time, tossing the empty bottle when he’s done.

He gets me to drive to the celebration party at Xave’s place, collapsing into the passenger seat as soon as the door’s unlocked.

“I can’t believe we won state,” he says, rolling his head to look over at me with a tired grin on his face.

“You were awesome tonight.” I lean over and kiss him, and he holds my face in his hands and deepens the kiss. Then falls back against the headrest again, like the kiss sapped the rest of any energy he had left.

Ten seconds later, he’s fast asleep.

I have a hard time waking him up once we get to Xavier’s house, and when I finally do, he looks even more drained.

“You sure you don’t want to just go home and sleep?” I ask, because he seems wiped. “You can celebrate tomorrow… I’m sure no one will be upset about another party.”

His eyes go wide, like I just suggested he abandon football altogether and take up golf instead. “No freakin’ way. We’re going to the party. I am celebrating this win, baby. I’ll get my second wind.”