Page 38 of Even in the Rain

This time, she punches me. In the same spot where she just smacked me. And for such a skinny thing, she is strong.

“Ow. Man, did you take up boxing or something?” I shrug out of her reach, which isn’t easy, given that I’m still taking a leak. “Stop hitting me.”

“Then stop laughing.”

“How can you tell I’m laughing? You can’t even see my face!” I protest.

“I can see your shoulders shaking, asshole.”

Which makes me laugh. Which makes her hit me again. Which makes me stumble.

“Shit. You just made me piss all over my shoe.”

Nowshelaughs. “Good.”

At least I’m done now. I grab a handful of leaves and use them to wipe off my shoe. When I straighten, Scarr has a faint smirk on her face. Not sure what’s so amusing about me pissing all over myself. Girl’s got a messed up sense of humor.

“Glad I could cheer you up.”

She rolls her eyes. “It would cheer me up even more if you pissed on Justin instead.”

“Sorry. Too kinky, even for me.”

And that gets an honest to God laugh out of her. Only it turns into another one of those hiccup sounds, and she turns her head, trying to hide her eyes from me again.

Shit. That asshole really did a number on her.

I grab her arm lightly. “C’mere, you. Gimme a hug.”

Scarlett just huffs and rolls her eyes, even as she swipes at them with the backs of her fingers. “You’re such a drama queen, Murdoch. I don’t need a hug.” She tucks a lock of silky hair behind her ear. “It’s not like I even liked him. He was just convenient.”

“Whatever.” I grab her blouse and yank her toward me. “Humor my drama queen ass for three seconds and let me give you a hug.” I wrap my hands around her and hold her against my chest. And a second later, I feel her relax into me.

I think I might be the only person who knows how fragile Scarlett Thiels really is.

“You better not be getting piss all over me,” she says against the collar of my henley. And I love that she still manages to make her voice sharp as a blade, even when she just had her heart trodden all over by a loser who didn’t deserve her in the first place.

“I pissed on my shoe, Scarr. Not my entire body.”

She makes another one of those hiccup sounds, and then suddenly someone comes crashing through the trees.

Scarlett reels back.

“Ohmygod!” a female voice cries. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t—”


What the hell is Caroline Heinz doing here? In the woods, this far from where anyone hangs out during lunch? I glance behind her, but there’s no one else with her.

“What the hell?” Scarlett snaps. “Were youspyingon us?”

She’s worried Caroline saw her crying. Or being weak for like, two seconds.

Caroline’s jaw drops. “What?Why would—No! I wasn’t spying on you!”

“Is that your new thing now? Instead of collecting fish or whatever, now you creep after people in the woods during—”

“You’re being mean, Scarr.” I pull her against me. “Just chill out.” I have no idea what Caroline is doing here right now, but I do know she was just as stunned to find us here as we were to see her come traipsing into this part of campus during lunch.