‘Apart from wrecking your peace and making you face lots of things that have been painful for you.’
She’d seen how deeply his guilt ran over the past. Ever since he’d explained what had happened to his wife, Charlotte had been horrified at how much he’d had to endure, and how she’d inadvertently dredged up so much pain.
But she couldn’t regret anything when Alessio smiled at her like that. Slowly, oh, so slowly, he lowered her to her feet, and the delicious friction between them felt like a promise.
‘I have a confession to make,’ she murmured. His eyebrows rose. ‘I wasn’t leaving today. Mario was just giving me a lift to the market.’
‘But the suitcase?’
‘His great-nephew’s. He left yesterday with a friend who didn’t have room in his car for a suitcase. Mario is taking it ashore to send on after him.’
Alessio shook his head, his expression brimming with laughter. ‘I’ve never run so fast as when I saw you leaving with that case. I told myself I was doing the right thing, staying there, but I only lasted thirty seconds. I swear my feet didn’t hit the stairs going down the tower.’
‘I’m glad you came after me, even if it was a mistake.’
He shook his head. ‘It was no mistake, Charlotte. It was the best, most sensible thing I’ve done in my life. I intend to stick close, woo you and persuade you to stay with me, always.’ On the last word, his voice dropped to a resonant note she felt deep in her heart.
‘You want me to live with you in thecastello?’
‘I want you to live with me wherever you like. Here or in Rome or...’
‘I like it here.’ Suddenly she felt shy. Because of the way Alessio watched her, as if she were utterly precious.
‘I want to make you mycontessaif you’ll have me. I know I have a lot of ground to make up, and you may not want to marry—’
‘I can’t think of anything I’d like more. Andnotfor the sake of our baby. I’m being totally selfish.’
‘Excellent.’ His smile was that devastating one, guaranteed to melt her bones. Just as well he was holding her tight. ‘Because I am too. I want to marry you because you make me happy, Charlotte, happier than I’ve ever been.’
His head swooped low, his mouth covering hers reverently as if sealing a lifetime’s promise.
Charlotte kissed him back with her whole heart.
It wasn’t long before she was grateful he’d had the foresight to lead her deep into the garden. For what came next was utterly joyous and just for the two of them.
ALESSIOSMILEDAShe looked into the cosy room. ‘I thought I’d find you here. Aren’t you coming downstairs to help welcome the guests?’
Beatrice lifted one imperious eyebrow. ‘Stop bothering an old lady. I’ll be down in my own good time. You and Charlotte are perfectly capable of managing without me. The recentcastelloballs have been a huge success.’
He smiled, surveying the real reason his great-aunt was taking her time. The dark-haired toddler almost asleep in his bed, one hand clutching his teddy bear, the other resting on the picture book the old lady held.
The bond between little Luca and his great-great-aunt was an unexpected joy. And it kept Beatrice so busy she had less time for poking her nose into Alessio’s affairs.
‘Very well, we’ll expect you soon. Remember the Swedish ambassador is coming early and wants to talk with you. And Luca’s babysitter is waiting.’
‘If the ambassador’s coming early, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be downstairs supporting your wife? Marrying her was the best thing you ever did, but you can’t afford to take her for granted. She’s turned you and this place around completely, and you need to support her.’ Beatrice paused. ‘It’s months since you took Charlotte to that beach resort at Langkawi. You should plan another trip soon. Maybe to Switzerland since she loves it so much.’
Alessio repressed a smile. Beatrice just had to give advice. And it had been she who’d asked him to call her in good time before the guests arrived. ‘Yes, Aunt Beatrice. I couldn’t agree more.’
‘Oh, you...’ Beatrice narrowed her gaze. When he was a child, that beetling look might have made him nervous. Now Alessio read her silent laughter. ‘Begone with you. Go to your wife, immediately!’
Chuckling, he headed a few metres down the hall. Pushing open the door, he halted, stunned. When he’d left their bedroom, Charlotte had still been wearing a wrap, putting on her make-up.
Now she stole his breath.
‘La mia ragazza d’oro,’he murmured when he found his voice. ‘You look more and more beautiful every day.’