Strong arms wrapped around her back, pulling her up against his hard body. Heat seeped into her, and it felt like the first time she’d been warm in days.
‘I wasn’t turning my back. I was hiding.’ He grimaced. ‘I told myself I needed to give you space, but really I was too scared to see you in case I blurted out the truth.’ He drew another deep breath, his chest pushing against her. ‘I was even afraid to give a name to my feelings, until I saw you leaving.’
‘It’s not—’
‘Shh.’ He put his finger on her lips, his expression gentle, his mouth curling up in a wry smile. ‘Let me finish, please.’ Yet he paused before continuing as if he found the words hard. ‘I saw you get into Mario’s boat, and something broke inside me. That’s amazing in itself, because not so long ago I thought everything inside me was completely broken. Until you made me see differently. You made me wonder if there could be good things in life again. You made me hope even though I tried to resist. You made me love.’
Charlotte blinked, telling herself she’d misheard. But it was too late. Already her blood effervesced in excitement. ‘Alessio?’
‘I’ve never been in love. I never saw it modelled by my parents or felt any love from them. I didn’t recognise it. I told myself it was lust, and fun, and companionship. Gratitude even, because you shone a light where in the past there’s only been darkness.’ His mouth twisted. ‘What you saw in me, I have no idea. I’ve been a grumpy, difficult b—’
This time it was Charlotte’s hand that covered his mouth. She shivered as he pressed a kiss to her palm, and she felt it right to the core of her being.
‘You were in a bad place, butyouweren’t bad,’ she assured him. ‘Your bark was worse than your bite—’
‘Most of the time.’
‘And there were reasons you found it hard having someone new your home.’
‘The main one being that you interrupted my attempt to wallow in self-pity. You kept appearing, demanding things, expecting me to act and get involved, tempting me as no woman has ever tempted me before.’
Sizzling green eyes held hers, and fire crackled in the air between them.
‘I mean it, Charlotte. I’ve never felt like this about any woman. Neverlovedbefore.’ His mouth turned down. ‘That only added to my guilt. I’d married Antonia and promised to protect her, but I’d neverlovedher.’
‘Oh, Alessio.’ Her heart felt so full she thought she might burst. ‘You can’t blame yourself for that. You two married for the good of your child. You tried your best.’
‘I know, I know. But what I feel for you makes me realise how little I really had to give Antonia. I was her carer and her friend but that’s all.’
‘I’m glad you were her friend. She needed that. But it sounds like she wasn’t in love with you either.’ She paused, knowing she didn’t have the right words, if there were any. ‘You both did the best you could in extraordinarily difficult circumstances. You did all you could, Alessio.’
He said nothing, but his expression wasn’t nearly as bleak as it had been earlier. Maybe one day he’d believe that.
Finally she couldn’t hold back any longer. ‘You really love me? It doesn’t seem real.’
‘I truly do. Which is why I’m hoping you’ll give me another chance. For the baby’s sake, if not mine.’
‘What about for my sake?’ Charlotte paused, fighting her learned instinct to keep her feelings to herself. ‘I’m in love with you, Alessio.’
His eyes widened, and he lifted her right off her feet, drawing her up till her face was level with his.
‘Say that again.’ His voice was husky as if he couldn’t believe it.
‘I love you.’
She watched her words sink in. The stark lines around his mouth somehow lessened, and the furrows on his forehead disappeared. He looked younger, lighter. Happier.
‘I haven’t even apologised yet. I need to grovel at your feet for the way I’ve behaved.’
Charlotte shook her head. ‘You can kneel at my feet anytime you like, but there are other things you could be doing there apart from grovelling.’ She saw the familiar, hungry glint in his eyes that softened the muscles at the apex of her thighs.
The blaze of joy in his face and the wicked gleam in his eyes spoke of a man ready to turn his face towards the future, even if it wouldn’t always be easy.
A great weight lifted off her heart. This really was happening!
‘Can we take it as read that you’re sorry and I’m sorry too?’
‘You’ve got nothing to apologise for, Charlotte.’