Her young partner read Alessio’s expression and melted away.
‘You scared him off.’ Her gaze challenged him, yet she moved eagerly into his embrace. Alessio felt himself finally relax.
‘He’ll get over it.’ Alessio didn’t have sympathy to spare, not when he’d spent the whole day bereft of Charlotte in his arms.
Years of celibacy—that had to be the reason for this craving.
Yet he wasn’t sure the explanation was so simple.
He pulled her to him, uncaring of curious eyes, knowing that he needed these moments with her pressed close, her body moving with his. A reward for all he’d endured, facing the public again, pretending all was right in his world.
Except he discovered to his surprise that things hadn’t been as onerous as expected. He’d enjoyed a lot of today. Especially when he’d looked up and caught Charlotte smiling at him and felt anticipation sear through him.
‘You’ve enjoyed yourself?’
Her smile was wide and unstinting, hitting Alessio’s chest like a shaft of sunlight. ‘Absolutely. It’s been marvellous. The music, the people, the food. Congratulations on winning the boat race, by the way. That was impressive.’
He shrugged and held her closer. ‘We had a good team.’
‘Today’s market seemed successful too, don’t you think?’
‘It was. Very.’ He paused. ‘Thank you, Charlotte. It mightn’t always seem like it, but I appreciate what you’ve done here. Making me see what I should have noticed long before.’
She shook her head. ‘You’rethe one who’s made the difference. You’re the one who got the festival off the ground.’
Only because she’d forced him out of his eyrie and back into his community.
The music ended to applause and cheers, and Alessio forced himself to release Charlotte. He turned in response to calls for a speech and found his fingers tangling with hers. He tightened his grip for an instant before forcing himself to let go. But the touch of her hand stayed with him as he closed the festival. He didn’t rush, acknowledging everyone involved while nodding and smiling in response to the crowd’s thanks.
They deserved thanks too for their understanding and forbearance over the last couple of years. He might have been in a dark place, but he’d had no right to curtail their celebrations. Seeing them all in holiday mode today had brought home to him in stark clarity how self-absorbed he’d been.
‘You’re very quiet.’ Charlotte said as they approached thecastellotogether, a careful arm’s length apart.
Alessio turned and caught her expression. Reserved. Impenetrable. Like when she’d been simply his housekeeper. As if they’d never been intimate. As if she hadn’t given him her virginity and more besides. It felt like she’d ignited a light in the darkness of his soul that, once lit, still glowed brightly.
The idea of her retreating appalled him. Last night had changed things in so many ways, and despite the complications that brought, he couldn’t wish it undone. For good or ill, they’d embarked on an affair, and he wasn’t ready for it to end.
‘It’s been an eventful day.’
Alessio pushed open the big door and gestured for her to precede him. Once inside he bolted it, feeling a stab of satisfaction that finally they were alone.
But when he turned, Charlotte had moved away, not quite meeting his eyes as she spoke. ‘I suppose I’d better make a start on the ballroom.’
‘Because it bothers your efficient heart to think of it not gleaming?’ He paced towards her, watching her eyes widen as they locked on his. ‘Do you have a secret cleaning fetish? Or is it an excuse to avoid being alone with me?’
He stopped before her, reading her answer in her face. She was unsure of herself, and suddenly Alessio was remembering how it had felt last night as her first lover.
A carnal shudder ran down his spine and shot through his belly to his groin. He knew now that this sparking heat between them was new to her. For that matter, it felt unique to him.
‘I want you, Charlotte. Still. More.’ His voice was a rumbling note deep in his chest. ‘Last night wasn’t enough for me. But if you don’t feel the same, I won’t pester you—’
‘No! It’s not that.’ She planted one hand over his quick-thudding heart. ‘I wondered if last night was a one-off and today we’d return to our normal lives. We agreed to something brief.’
‘Brief, yes, but not that brief.’ The idea of not having her again was impossible.
She surveyed him solemnly, her expression at odds with the way she leaned in, and it took everything he had not to sweep her into his arms.
‘It’s your decision, Charlotte.’ He still had some scruples left.