Charlottehad been right.
Musicians performed in the minstrels’ gallery, and the floor was packed with people in their finery, from locals in neat suits and pretty dresses to the monied elite in bespoke tailoring, fabulous jewels and designer gowns.
Amongst them all, Charlotte stood out.
It wasn’t merely the way the light caught the rich gold of her hair. Or the way said hair was styled in a luxurious, softened upsweep that revealed her slender neck yet left tendrils free. It gave her a seductive look, inevitably making him imagine her just risen from bed.
Her dress was the rich blue of lapis lazuli, shaping her body like a lover’s hands before falling in folds to the floor. A band of fabric rose in a V from deep over her cleavage to the points of each shoulder, making him wonder how securely that bodice was held up. It left a wide swathe of perfect pale skin bare.
Except it wasn’t pale now. She glowed with exertion from dancing. Or maybe from delight at the sweet nothings that Roman playboy was whispering in her ear.
Pain exploded in Alessio’s jaw from grinding molars. He wanted to stalk across and wrest her away from those grasping hands. Pull her into his arms and then...
It’s not dancing you have in mind, is it?
All night, every time he’d seen her in the arms of another man, his tension had screwed tighter. He remembered holding Charlotte against him. How right it had felt. How much more he’d wanted. And how wrong that was.
Alessio stood, fighting the impulse to make a scene and march off with Charlotte in his arms while the world gawked. Then he turned and pushed his way from the room.
Charlotte caught Alessio’s eyes on her. Again. All evening she’d felt that spark of heat and turned to find him glaring at her. So much for the sensual awareness she’d hoped for. With the guests, he was all smiles and urbane charm. It was only when he looked at her that he frowned.
What had she done wrong? The evening had turned out wonderfully. Even his dragon of an aunt had proved herself impressed and approving, albeit disconcertingly outspoken.
She couldn’t think why he wasn’t thrilled. She’d worked so hard and deserved his appreciation. More than one guest had said it was the best party they’d attended in years.
But it’s his feedback that matters, isn’t it?
Alessio scowled and turned away. Charlotte’s heart plummeted even as she shored up her indignation. But she was too deflated to concentrate on anger at the man she’d tried to impress, not as his efficient employee but as a seductive, alluring woman.
She focused on her companion, discreetly moving his roving hand higher. Not long to go now. Soon she could ditch the long dress and heels and put on work clothes for the clean-up.
So much for romantic yearnings.
So much for Cinderella.
They stood together at the main entrance to thecastello, waving goodbye to the last of the guests heading to the boats that would take them to their luxury accommodations. While the Conte Dal Lago had opened his doors for a fabulous celebration that guests would talk about for years to come, there’d be no overnight guests.
The chatter and laughter died away, and still Alessio said nothing. Not one word of praise. In silence he closed and bolted the vast iron-studded doors.
Charlotte had had enough. She’d done her best, but clearly it wasn’t enough to satisfy him. And it wasn’t as if the night were over. She had hours of work ahead.
She spun on her heel, lifting the long skirts that had made her feel, for a little while, like a princess in a fairy tale. Her jaw clenched at her futile imaginings. Nothing would make her more than his domestic drudge. She flattened her mouth, fanning anger at her own stupidity.
‘Where are you going?’ Alessio’s voice was sharp.
She didn’t bother to turn back, instead marching towards the grand staircase. ‘To my room to get changed, ready to supervise the clean-up.’
Nothing else. Just a single word.
‘Pardon?’ She was forced to swing around, and discovered him right there, so close she could see the hint of tiny dark bristles beginning to form on his jaw.
‘I cancelled tonight’s clean-up and sent everyone home.’
‘You did what?’
‘It can wait till tomorrow.’