She felt very green round the gills indeed when she thought about that.

‘No,’ she said in a strangled voice. ‘We have to talk.’

And, looking straight into her eyes, watching the shadows flit across her face, Mateo knew that he had succeeded. He’d never contemplated marriage before but it was coming at him now.

He was ready to embrace it.

‘Marry me, Maude,’ he urged huskily. ‘Step up to the plate and do what you surely must know is the right thing to do. Trust me.’ He covered her hand with his. ‘You will not want for a better husband, nor our child a more devoted father...’


SHE’DTHOUGHTTHEproposal had been a one-off but now Mateo’s eyes glittered with intensity.

Had the same thoughts crossed his head? Even as he had told her that he would one day find a woman to complete the circle, had he thought about how he would feel ifshelikewise found a man to complete her circle?

He had proved that he would do whatever it took for the baby she was carrying. The sacrifices he had laid bare for her were enormous. With that would surely come a sense of fierce possession? Had he recognised that it would be difficult to absorb the thought of another guy in his child’s life?

Had there been an element of cunning blackmail in that vivid prediction he had given her of life with baby? Had he banked on the brutal truth weakening her defences, making her see just what the repercussions would be if she walked away from the offer on the table?

There were a lot of other things he could have said and was probably thinking. What would happen in the future if their child were to find out that marriage had been on the table but had been rejected out of hand? Would judgements be made?

Maude knew that it was crazy to worry about something that might or might not happen in the years to come but one thing she certainly knew—her parents would never understand. No one would. She would be on her own in that respect.

She would never find anyone else. She would be doomed to spend her days watching from the sidelines as Mateo got on with his life and replaced her with someone else. He would have no qualms about doing that. Why would he? He’d be a free agent in the emotional stakes when he couldn’t love.

A wave of despair washed over her and, when it ebbed, she took a deep breath and met his dark eyes steadily.

‘Why are you doing this?’

‘Doing what?’ He tilted his head to one side and frowned.

‘Confusing me.’

‘Because nothing in life is straightforward, Maude. We could pretend that we will remain the best of friends, amicably sharing custody, and then, when we find other partners doing all sorts of joint things together in a thoroughly modern way, but that won’t be happening. Not on my part.’

‘Is that some kind of threat?’

‘No.’ His voice was gentle but firm. ‘Far from it. I would never stoop so low. I’m just being honest. I would find it very hard to watch another man make decisions about my child.’

Strip away the sentiment she was adamant about wanting, and the facts were laid bare. Why would he tiptoe around them? This was who he was—honest, forthright, and if he was a rock, immune to all that soft, woolly nonsense that ended up blowing away like gossamer at the first hint of an unfavourable breeze, then so be it. He could no more help being the man he was than she could help being the womanshewas. Yet, with this baby in her, their worlds had to touch. He had shown her a vision of what would be if they didn’t.

‘I suppose,’ Maude grudgingly conceded, ‘I might find it difficult to watch another woman do things with my baby, my child.’

He held her gaze then lowered his eyes slowly and, when he next spoke, his voice was uneven.

‘I’m really excited to see your body swell and grow with my child,’ he murmured huskily and wild colour flared in her cheeks.

‘If we decide to marry because of the situation, we shouldn’t muddy the waters...’

‘Those waters were muddied a long time ago. I think it’s pointless trying to change that, don’t you? Clear, open water has long disappeared and, I confess, I like it that way.’ He smiled a slow, crooked smile that made her go weak at the knees.

Mateo was bursting with a deep-rooted sense of satisfaction. He could see a ring on her finger, his baby in her belly, unforeseen events that he didn’t mind at all—not a bit. It would have been shocking if his brain wasn’t currently wrapped up somewhere else.

‘Let’s go,’ he murmured.


In response, Mateo reached to brush his finger across her cheek and watched as she shivered and blushed like a teenager. God, he’d missed that. Missed the way she responded to him.