‘Like I said... I’m working here.’

‘Yes, I get that.’

‘If you want the truth, I’m finding it oddly relaxing being here. It’s been a while.’

Maude shifted and looked at him, and he turned and looked right back at her.

He had ditched the sunglasses and she could see sincerity in his eyes mingled with that most human of traits: hesitation.

Why did she feel so comfortable with this man?

Why did she lecture herself about being professional around him only to jettison her fine intentions the minute he got close?

He made her weak and she hated it.

Yet she found herself saying, ‘I’ve wondered about that.’

‘Have you, now?’

‘It’s not my business...’

‘Despite the fact that we’re engaged?’

Maude went bright-red but held her ground, ignoring his gentle teasing. ‘Why would you have this wonderful place out here...all these acres of vineyard...and then delegate it to other people to run so that you can spend time holed up in cold, busy, grey London?’

‘There’s money to be made holed up in cold, busy, grey London.’ Mateo relaxed back. ‘I like your choice of wording, Maude. Very evocative. I’ve never thought of living in London on a par with being in a prison cell.’

‘You know what I mean.’ But she was smiling, enjoying this return to cordiality, and realising just how much she had disliked the abrupt remoteness between them earlier.

‘I do, as it happens. But I meant it. These vineyards... Yes, they’re profitable, but they’re a hobby. A sentimental hobby. My only one. However, it’s not real life being out here, and I can’t afford the time to laze around for weeks on end watching the grapes swell and grow.’

‘It sounds pretty perfect to me.’ Maude heard herself sigh.

She shook herself and sat forward. The sun was beginning to fade.

‘I’m sorry, but I had no idea you were going to be back, so I sent the ladies home. I just fancied something light for dinner and I didn’t want anyone fussing around.’

‘Excellent plan!’

‘A couple more laps and then we go in?’

He didn’t reply, instead propelling himself forward to slice through the water, making light work of one length and then effortlessly turning around to swim back.

Maude was spellbound by the power and the speed.

She’d always fancied herself an excellent swimmer but, when she pushed off to join him for some remaining laps, she found that it was a struggle to keep up when he seemed to be doing no more than barely breaking sweat.

She’d forgotten all about her inhibitions and self-consciousness when, fifteen minutes later, she stepped out of the pool at the shallow end to fetch her towel from the deck chair.

Mateo, reaching for his own towel to sling around his waist, stopped dead in his tracks and stared.

She was all woman.

He’d always gone for slender little blondes. He now had no idea why when an earthy, rounded, well-built brunette was doing all sorts of crazy things to his body.

He felt the heat of an erection and he immediately made sure the towel was very securely fastened around his waist. Too much more of an eyeful and God only knew what might push up against it, embarrassing them both.

He flushed when she turned to him to ask, innocently, ‘Where did you learn to swim like that? You’re amazing.’