‘Right. There’s a nice little place by the village green...’

‘You’ve checked out the town?’

‘When I do something, I make sure I do it properly.’ He began leading the way back through the cottage and out to the front while she fell into step with him. ‘No point liking a property only to discover once you’ve moved in that the neighbours are too loud and half the town’s boarded up.’

It was a short drive to the centre. Along the way, he made sure to point out various plus points, just in case they’d passed her by. There were many ways to get what he wanted, and persuasion could be a powerful tool.

It would be an easy stroll to the centre of the town, even though they’d chosen to drive, Mateo told her. There were scenic parks within shouting distance and a vibrant community spirit, judging from the central square, the array of independent shops and businesses that made such a change from the monotony of chain stores and coffee shops.

He could have gone on, but he felt as if he was beginning to sound like an estate agent with an eye to a sale, so he fell silent as they strolled to the restaurant he’d sourced, letting her make up her own mind about the place.

It was hard not to enjoy the surroundings. They were the very essence of the picture-perfect English market town. They strolled past a butcher, a fishmonger and two greengrocers, all shut at the moment, but all promising top-quality fare, judging from the pristine awnings and cheerful signage. The coffee shops were likewise closed, but a buzzing atmosphere remained because there were restaurants aplenty and at least three pubs that all seemed to be doing booming business.

The restaurant was nestled down one of the side streets and was already filling up by the time they were shown to seats towards the back and orders were taken for some light food.

The garden was coming alive, making the most of the last of the summer days, with a string of fairy lights hooked up between trees and lanterns on tables.

Mateo was quietly satisfied with the choices he had made.

‘So...’ Maude said, a little awkwardly. ‘You said you were going to surprise me and you did.’

‘In a pleasant way, I hope?’

‘How did you manage to find that place in the space of a few days?’

‘I got a team of people to do it for me,’ he confessed. ‘I told them the sort of thing I wanted, that money was no object, that I wasn’t afraid of renovations from the ground up, that speed was of the essence and hey presto.’

‘Hey presto indeed...’

‘The way I see it,’ he mused slowly, sitting back while the waitress poured some water and a glass of wine for him, ‘Is, whilst you haven’t yet made clear whether you intend to continue living in London, I certainly think that some open space is a must. London is fine for the urban professional but in a few months’ time I will no longer be just that urban professional. I’ll be a father and with that comes certain conditions that I am more than happy to fulfil.’

‘Right. Well, I hadn’t got round to thinking...’

‘About where you were going to bring up our child?’

‘It’s still some time away,’ Maude said vaguely.

‘So it is,’ Mateo drawled in response. ‘However, as you can see for yourself, the cottage is in desperate need of work. I suspect the purchase will be finalised within weeks and I already have a team on standby to descend the minute the signatures are in place.’

‘That’s very efficient,’ Maude said faintly.

‘I like to think so.’

‘And you’re going to move in...immediately?’

Mateo shrugged. ‘I can’t see why not. Naturally, I will maintain my place in central London, but the truth is I can always go there on the days when I won’t be able to see my baby.’

‘You make it sound as though I’m planning on keeping our child from you, and I’m not,’ Maude said irritably.

‘My mistake.’ He gestured, an elaborate, rueful shrug, and smiled as she narrowed her eyes and viewed him with suspicion. ‘Apologies if that’s how it sounds. At any rate, yes, to answer your question. I’ll be here whenever it’s my turn. I’ll have a nanny on call, and naturally I’ll make sure you approve of my choice, although I intend to tailor my working to maximise the time I can spend with my child.’

He lowered his eyes and paused fractionally, and when he returned to the conversation his voice was serious and thoughtful. ‘I have a couple of ideas for development in the area, as it happens. Could work. There are some natural underground springs here that could be put to use, and of course it will certainly be a way of integrating within the community. As a single father on his own, it’ll be important to get some sort of social life going.’

‘I beg your pardon?’

‘Well,’ Mateo pointed out reasonably, ‘We’re both in changed circumstances, and for the first time in my life I do concur that my free and easy bachelor days are at an end.’

Their eyes tangled.