Hands on her shoulders, he angled her so that he could enjoy her.

The more he tasted, the more he wanted to taste.

Not just her breasts...not just her nipples.

Alessio wanted to explore every inch of her exquisite body and then, when he’d done that, he wanted to start all over again.

‘My bedroom?’ he growled, drawing back to look at her.

‘Alessio...’ Sophie breathed, drowsily meeting his hot stare.

‘There’s no pressure, Sophie...’ he told her.

He contemplated the gut-wrenching disappointment of a long and very cold shower, should she change her mind, but if she did, then that was her right and he would respect it.

‘I want this, Alessio...’

‘Are you quite sure?’ He paused and tangled his fingers in her short, fair hair. ‘Is this what you want? I can’t offer permanence...’

‘I know that.’ Sophie smiled. ‘For your information, neither can I...’

‘So, my bedroom?’

‘Your bedroom,’ she agreed with pleasurable abandon, as he lost himself in her smile.


SOPHIEGAZEDATALESSIO, her eyes half closed and feeling greedy with longing. The villa was quiet and in darkness because it was a little after eleven. The couple who worked there had disappeared ages ago, and Leonard was safely tucked away in his bedroom fast asleep.

In front of her Alessio stood, magnificently bare-chested. Low-slung jeans, unbuttoned, rode low on his lean hips. He had tossed his sweater on the ground, and with his hand resting loosely on the zipper of his jeans was ready to complete the job of getting undressed.

Four days...

That was how long these clandestine liaisons had been happening.

They had made love on that first night, after tiptoeing up the stairs, making sure not to wake Leonard, and it had been the most mind-blowing experience Sophie had ever had.

He had touched her in places that had made her melt, had licked and explored with his tongue and his mouth until she had groaned low and deep, barely recognising her own gasps of pleasure.

She had gone from cautious to addicted at supersonic speed, and it had been tacitly and wordlessly decided that their first experience was not going to be their last.

How long it was going to last, Sophie had no idea. Not beyond this stay at his villa on the lake. She’d assumed that. Relationships didn’t last with Alessio, and this one, which was out of the ordinary, would definitely have a cut-off to it that would be shorter than usual.

She was no pliable, dependent, clingy, sexy little blonde thing. She answered back. And she felt he didn’t encourage that in the women he dated, even though he’d told her that he liked that trait in her.

She was also trying hard to build on the slender foundations she could see being re-erected between him and his father, and whenever he frowned and looked at her in a way that saidYou’re going beyond your brief, she simply stared back at him with feigned innocence and refused to back off.

He never snapped, and she thought that was because he was enjoying himself too much to risk her taking offence and turning her back on him.

‘Sex has never felt so good,’he’d told her only the night before.

With Alessio, it was all about the sex. He had a high libido and a hunger for her that was flattering and compulsive.

Only now and again did she feel a twinge of sadness that everything began and ended with the physical—although that was a reaction she didn’t stop to think about, because she told herself that it was the same for her.

He was vital and sexy and erotic, and he was opening her up to a world of experience she had been denied.

She wasn’t in it for any kind of gooey-eyed, hand-holding relationship. He wasn’t her type.