
Heneverfelt the slightest temptation to second-guess what was going through any woman’s head. That wasn’t what he was about.

But for no reason, the compulsion to know whatshewas thinking was overwhelming.

‘I’ll take that as a compliment,’ Sophie murmured.

Having never been given the brush-off before, Alessio took a couple of seconds to actually recognise the sound of it, and when he did he had to force himself to take it on the chin, because the last thing he needed was some kind of deep and meaningful conversation that would end up going nowhere.

Did it matter what she was thinking?

It was almost laughable that he had momentarily been so invested in finding out!

‘So you should,’ he said. ‘But enough talk...’

They made love.

His mind emptied as he touched her. His curiosity to get inside her head fell away as he skimmed her slender body with his hand, pausing to cup her breasts and tease her rosebud nipples.

She arched up, and he knew what she wanted and was happy to oblige. More than happy.

He took one pulsing pink nipple into his mouth and lost himself in the taste and feel of it as he sucked, while he teased her other breast with his hand.

He went slowly.

That first time they had made love he had been so turned on that he’d rushed, hadn’t given her the attention she deserved, but he had made up for that since then.

True, the days passed agonisingly slowly, with only the occasional touch, the brush of his fingers accidentally against hers... True, by the time his father was safely asleep he was so keyed up he could barely think straight... But even so he always made sure never to rush when they were finally in bed.

He let his hand drift lazily over her slender body, tracing every inch, feathering over her ribcage, dipping down to her belly button and then edging to the soft downy fluff between her legs.

He parted her thighs, felt the wetness between them, and struggled to hold on to the urge to go faster.

He slipped his finger inside and then trailed his lips downwards as he played with her, teasing the tightened bud of her clitoris and enjoying the way she squirmed against his finger.

Sophie’s eyelids fluttered.

Knowing what he was going to do didn’t reduce the thrill of excitement and anticipation that flooded through her.

She tensed, feeling his mouth teasing her, and then groaned, low and soft, when his tongue slid to tickle her clitoris. She let her legs drop, enjoyed him pleasuring her, and then took charge to change the equation.

She heard his full-throated chuckle as she manoeuvred him as expertly as he manoeuvred her, so that she could enjoy and pleasurehimjust exactly as he had been enjoying and pleasuringher.

She tasted him as he had tasted her, in a mutual giving to one another that made her feel warm and so fulfilled inside.

Alessio was the first to break their embrace, growling that any more and he would go flying off the edge.

She laughed, and then groaned again when he thrust into her, long and deep, moving slowly at first, then speeding up, his own guttural moans mirroring hers.

Sophie’s orgasm ripped through her, stiffening her and then sending her into a spiral of satisfaction that seemed to go on and on until she was finally spent.

They curled into one another, bodies slick with perspiration, and she nuzzled against him.

Alessio felt the warmth of her face pressed against his neck, felt the way she burrowed like a little rabbit, and something very much like peace settled in him, filling every part of him.

He toyed with her hair, asked her whether she’d ever had it long, smiled when she told him she’d always just liked the ease of short hair.

So like her.