She pulled her hand away with a cry, and when she looked at her palm she could see a shard of glass caught there...more than one shard.

Everything had happened in the blink of an eye, but before she could do anything Alessio had her hand in his and was staring at the droplets of blood.

‘Sit still.’

‘I’m fine.’

‘I need to get the glass out. The last thing you want is an infection to set in.’

‘Alessio,’ Sophie said faintly, ‘honestly... I can deal with this...’

But he was already heading to one of the cupboards, to return seconds later with a First Aid box and a bottle of spirit.

She fell silent as he gently took her hand in his and began dealing with the cut. The glass was onlt skin-deep. She hadn’t caught it with enough strength for it to have penetrated. He was meticulous, and as he worked he talked to her in a low, melodious voice that was soothing, and relaxing, and knocked back all the barriers that had been in place.

He joked that the First Aid box was about the only thing he could locate fast in the kitchen, because he’d had to sit through a tutorial on how to use the contents when the housekeeper had bought it. He described the lake, which could be accessed from his massive garden down a series of winding steps. He talked about the boat he had which was seldom used because time never seemed to be on his side.

Without her noticing, he had moved to kneel at her feet, and she watched his dark head and the careful delicacy of his fingers as bit by bit he cleaned the tear in her skin.

Sophie wanted to laugh, and make a wisecrack about not knowing that he was a trained doctor along with everything else, but she was mesmerised by him, stilled by the touch of his hand on hers. Her heart was thumping against her ribcage, and she could feel the silence in the kitchen like something weighty and tangible.

He wrapped a bandage around her palm and expertly secured it, but when he finally met her eyes he didn’t move away, back to his chair.

He remained where he was, and her mouth parted and her breath hitched in her throat, because there was an intent in his dark eyes that fired something similar in her.

Nakedwant—the very same want she had tried so hard to lock away, where it couldn’t do any harm—was out of its cage now and bringing wild colour to her cheeks.

She wasn’t surprised when he straightened up to curve his hand against the side of her flushed face. She angled herself against it and felt her eyelids flutter.

Last time when he had kissed her, sanity had come roaring back at speed.

This time, as she leaned towards him and gently covered his mouth with hers, she wanted to let herself go.

She’d never done that. She had no idea what it felt like to be swept away on a tide of longing and she wanted to find out.

What was wrong with that?

She kissed him.

She was vaguely aware of them shifting positions and wasn’t sure how it had happened. But suddenly he had moved from ground to chair, and she had shifted from her chair to his lap, was straddling him and gently rocking as they continued to kiss.

Her panties were wet, soaked, and she rolled her hips so that she could press against him, relieving some of the urgent ache between her legs.

He groaned as she kissed his face, his neck, stroked his shoulders and felt the hard bulge of muscle under his stretchy tee shirt.

She was barely aware of the hindrance of her bandaged hand because her body was on fire.

His hand stole up to cup her breast and then slid underneath her top, and she shuddered and arched her back, urging him to do more than just caress her.

She hissed a sigh and moaned when he shoved the top up, his hand shaking as he unclasped her bra and then pushed that up as well.

Small, perfect breasts.

Alessio had never felt such a loss of his prized self-control in his life before. But the sight of her bare breasts, her blushing pink nipples, fired him up to such a frenzy of response that he was on the brink of losing it completely and ejaculating prematurely.


He darted his tongue to flick the stiffened bud of one nipple, and then took it into his mouth and suckled.