Page 39 of Iron Rose

“The sensors around the gate? It’ll go dead. The little radio transponders you have so that your soldiers can chat on their fancy walkie-talkies? Dead.” I shrugged. “An alert will go to every member of the bratva, telling them that your compound has gone black…” I tilted my head again and gave a throaty gasp as if I had just thought of something, “Which also means you’ll be dead.”

I giggled a little, and the effect was tremendous.

Eoghan started to pace around the Brit who tried to get in his way. The whole time, his weapon was aimed between my eyes.

I dropped the hand that was still level with my shoulder. On that signal, the power went out. We were thrust into the darkness, and it became eerily silent until my eyes adjusted. There was almost total illumination from a bright, full moon. I could hear the running of feet as the soldiers scrambled from their stations, shouting to one another to find out what happened.

Eoghan turned red. I could see it in the moonlight. He was ready to kill. He fought to push past Cian, but my British defender would not be dissuaded.

I raised my two fingers, and on that signal, the lights came back on. Their systems re-booted, and it was as if I could hear the relieved gasp of their soldiers.

I looked up at the mafia king through my lowered lashes.

“Has my demonstration been effective?” I asked, “Or will I need to do that again?”

The British man wrestled the gun from Eoghan’s hands and pushed him back into the corner. He dropped the magazine, pulled back the slider and, to my horror, I realized there had been one in the chamber. I had been one finger twitch away from death.

“I swear to God, Eoghan,” Cian said, “Hurt her and our deal is off.”

My ears burned. Deal. What deal?

Chapter 16


Fuck!When she strolled in, casually swaying her hips, I thought I would die on the spot.

I touched the knife on my hip. The cold metal on my finger was hard, comforting, grounding me in the present so that I didn’t get lost in the memories of her intoxicating taste, or the music of the throaty moans. I could get lost in those memories forever.

She had changed in the past five days. The expressions that had been easy to read in the arch of her brow were smoothed out. Someone had taught her how to hide her feelings. Or maybe she had taught herself? I hoped for the latter. The idea of a man teaching her anything made me clench my fist.

“Here’s how this is going to work.” She raised a hand to her side and put up one long, slim finger. “You’re going to give me LeBlanc. Then,” She put up a second finger, and I noticed the garden behind her. “You’re going to let me walk out of here with him.” Her palm faced up in amaybetype of gesture. It was purposely put to her side, clearly visible from the garden. “That’s it. That’s all.”

It was only our men in the garden. So who were the signals for? I looked at the great darkness outside the glass walls, then spied them - small white cameras pointed down the paths, and into the glass. Someone was watching her from the cameras.

That made me smirk.Clever girl.

Eoghan was as enthralled with her as I was, and it made me want to punch him in the jaw. Eoghan let out a rumble from his chest. He chuckled, his teeth bared like a wolf growling before a kill. I tensed, ready to pounce and intervene.

“Are you threatening me, lass?” He stood, pulled out his Smith & Wesson, and pointed it at her head.

She didn’t fucking move. She didn’t show fear. She refused to do anything that could have placated my cousin, who was boiling over.

I slowly came to my feet, not trying to scare anyone. “Eoghan, put it down.”

He ignored me. The vixen couldn’t keep her mouth shut. They were two bulls that could only see red.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” her voice rang clear, low, filled with the same amount of threats as Eoghan.

“For fuck’s sake, Rose, shut up.” I hissed at her.

She smiled, her hands still not moving from its position near her shoulder. “If anything happens to me, then your power grid will go out. The lights will turn off. So will your cameras and all the security features you have.”

“What the fuck?” Eoghan was on his tiptoes, ready to pounce at her.

“Rose…” I warned her, pleading for her to shut the hell up before she bit off more than she could chew.

“The sensors around the gate?” But she didn’t listen, she kept on fucking talking. “It’ll go dead. The little radio transponders you have so that your little soldiers can chat on their fancy walkie-talkies? Dead. An alert will go to every member of the bratva, telling them that your compound has gone black. Which also meansyou’llbe dead.”