Page 65 of Billion Dollar Lie

I don’t ask for permission when the first surges of bliss wash over me, approaching in gentle waves at first, before they turn into an overwhelming rapture, dissolving reality behindafog of delight as I find my release beneath him. My muscles clench around his thick length, and he follows me just moments later. I can feel him throbbing inside of me, a groan escaping him before he bows down to me, with his pelvis still pressed against my hot core, as we both revel in the last few crests of our climax. Together.

Chapter 28


I’m dressed and ready to leave, when my phone rings for the umpteenth time today. Jack, the oldest of my younger brothers, has been trying to call me all day, but I couldn’t be bothered to talk to him. I know what this is about, and I’m not sure I want to hear what he has to say.

But now as I sit in my office, waiting for Kat to get ready so we can leave for the gala, I give in to his persistent calling.

“Finally!”he exclaims at the other end of the line. “What’s up with you, man? Where have you been all day?”

“Busy,” I lie. “Let me hear it.”

He scoffs. “No reason to be so short with me, brother. Why so peeved?”

“I don’t have much time,” I let him know.

“You never have time for yourfamily anymore,” he laments. “Great firstborn behavior, if you ask me.”

I sigh. “I’m sure you didn’t just call to insult me.”

“No,” he says. “Dad’s parole hearing was today.”

I know that. I’ve been painfully aware of it all day.

“Let me guess, he’s not getting out.”

“Nope, total shit show,” Jack tells me. “It’s so unfair. They never even gave him a chance.”

“Showing a little remorse for what he did would probably help,” I add for consideration. “Someone should tell him that.”

Jack lets out a dismissive huff. “Come on, it’s not like he killed anybody—”

“That we know of.”

“He’s not a murderer,” Jack insists. “Weare not murderers.”

“Oh, that’s right, we’re just drug dealers,” I say. “I forget that’s our family’s excuse when it comes to prosecution. Drugs never harm anybody, don’t they?”

“Don’t try to be smart with me,” Jack snaps. “You think you’re so much better than us, when you’ve benefited from our business just as much as we all have. Justbecause you’re out now you think you’re all high and mighty. Not a good look, if you ask me.”

I couldn’t care less what my brother thinks of me and my decision to get out of my family’s shady business. However, I can’t help but wish they’d follow me, not only for their own sake, but our little sister’s, too. She just turned 19 years old, our mother died years ago and our father has been in and out of prison ever since I was born. Grace has no one but us to guide her, and if things don’t change any time soon, the burden of helping her to get her life in order will fall upon me, even though we barely have a relationship to speak of.

“I’m not saying I’m better than you,” I insist. “But I don’t think it’s too much to ask of a man to take full responsibility for his wrongdoings. Our father deserves to be where he is.”

In fact, we all belong behind bars, me just as much as my brothers.

“Whatever,man, I should have known not to expect any empathy from you,” my brother complains. “I guess loyalty means nothing to you.”

I know he’s only saying this to pester me. It’s the same passive-aggressive bullshit I’ve been listening to for years, ever since I started to break free of my family’s muddy hold.

“I’m just trying to do right,” I say. “And you should follow my example, before it’s too late.”

“Too late for what?”he probes.

“For you!” I say. “Do you really want to go on like this and end up in prison, like him?”

“Who says anything about going to prison?”he wants to know. “I have no intention of getting caught.”