“You did it in the club, when... when the incident happened,” I say. “You refused to listen to me, wouldn’t let go of that useless fire extinguisher and would not follow me when I tried to save you.”
“Save me?”she blurts out. “I didn’t need to be saved! I’m capable of saving myself, thank you very much. I just wanted to help!”
“Yes, and stubbornly so,” I say. “You’re not used to someone else taking care of you, are you?”
She stares at me with an unreadable expression.
“I guess you could say that,” she stutters, lowering her eyes.
“That will change from now on,” I tell her. “At least as long as you’re with me. I’m in charge. Always.”
A smile tugs at the corner of her mouth when she looks up to me now. “Always?”
I nod suggestively. “Don’t you think it could be nice to have someone else take the lead? Someone who takes care of you?”
A coy chuckles flees her lips and she shies away, her eyes latching on to the windows as if she was searching for something outside.
“Answer me,” I urge.
“How would I know?” She retorts. “It’s like you said. I never experienced this. So how would I know?”
Supporting myself on my elbows, I lean over the table, waving her closer with my index finger. She hesitates for a split second, but eventually follows my invitation and brings her face closer to mine. Her cheeks are glowing, but it’s more than just the alcohol, I’m sure.
“Only one way to find out then, right?” I ask.
Her eyes grow wider. She’s definitely intrigued, but confused just as well.
“What are you doing?”she whispers. “A moment ago you were talking about punishing me for misbehaving... now you’re talking about wanting to take care of me? Which of the two is it?”
“Who says that one has to negate the other?” I add for consideration. “What if they go hand in hand?”
She suggests a shake of the head. “I don’t understand how that would work.”
“Would you like me to show you?”
Kat is a smart girl. She knows very well what game we’re playing—and she’s good at it. Very good.
Her lips are quivering and she looks at me as if she was trying to lure me in, calling me to take her in any way I want.
She doesn’t even try to protest when I place my hand at the back of her head and force her lips onto mine. They part instantly, her eager tongue greeting mine as I invade her mouth with savage force.
Chapter 20
I blame the alcohol.
I know this is a stupid idea. I shouldn’t do this. But I can’t fight him any longer. Not when he’s like this.
And to be honest: I don’twantto fight.
I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t attracted to him. I would never have agreed to do something this crazy with anyone else.
I want this. But I have to be careful.
However, it appears that all my resolutions went off the table as soon as he pulled me in for a kiss. I did what he told me to do: I gave in. I surrendered to his compelling allure.
And I let him take the lead.