His lips turn into a dark smile when he looks at me now.
“Touché,” he says. “But you’re not getting away this easily. There’s a big difference between us.”
I’m inclined to agree, even though I have no idea what exactly he’s talking about. There are so many differences between us that I wouldn’t even know where to start.
“Oh yeah, and what’s that?” I ask, trying to sound more confident than I’m feeling right now.
“The power is all mine,” he states. “At least as long as neither of us signed a contract, which we haven’t so far.”
I frown at him. “What do you mean?”
“What I mean is this,” he says—and I freeze in surprise when he reaches up to my chin, holding in place with two fingers, while he comes closer, seemingly leaning in for a kiss.
I’m so stunned that I don’t know what to do or how to react. I just sit there, frozen to a pillar of salt while his lips move dangerously close to mine. I can feel the heat of his breath dancing across my skin, his intoxicating smell, blended with just a hint of malt from the beer. My heart begins to race, as my entire body stiffens, preparing for an impact that doesn’t come.
He hovers close to myface for a few seconds, his dark eyes latched onto mine with such intensity that I don’t even dare to blink—and then he retreats all of a sudden. He leans back against his bench, a triumphant smile on his face when he winks at me.
“You’re here, wrapped in all those pretty things that I bought for you, dolled up to my liking. And I get to do whatever I want with you,” he says darkly. “With no contract binding me to behave.”
I swallow dryly, still trying to make sense of what just happened. Why didn’t he kiss me? Why is he playing with me like this?
“There’s no contract to bind me either,” I remind him. “I could leave whenever I want to.”
“Well, do you want to leave?”he asks.
The smile on his face tells me that he already knows the answer to his question.
Chapter 19
She wasn’t kidding when it comes to the beer. Despite considering myself a cosmopolitan, I’ve never even heard of this brand before. It’s not as bitter as the awful German Pils I tried a few years back, but rather smooth and almost a little sweet, coating my throat like lemonade.
I ordered another round for us before we were even done with our food—an excellent burger, just like Kat promised—and then a third round as our empty plates are getting cleared.
Of course, I knew about her foster child past, but despite the thorough content of Miss Barry’s files, there are still a million unanswered questions that remain. Questions that Kat is reluctant to answer, even when she’s standing with her back to the wall.
Why is she being so secretive? What is she hiding from me? If she had a criminal record, I would know about it.
How bad can her past be compared to mine?
“You may be right,” she says, after we’ve clinked glasses on our third round of drinks. “I have no intention of leaving, but that doesn’t mean you get to do anything you want to me.”
Her cheeks are flushed as she throws me an endearing smile. A smile that tells me more than she knows.
This is exactly what she wants. She’s teasing the beast inside of me, but I’m not sure whether she can handle what she’s about to unleash.
There’s only one way to find out.
“With the way you’ve been behaving so far, one could almost think you’re asking for punishment,” I tell her.
The blush on her face darkens in an instant. “What do you mean?”
I take my time as I bring the beer up to my lips, taking in a long and appreciative swig while I make her wait for my response. She’s shifting on her seat, visibly anxious for me to speak. And then she provides me with a perfect example of her many alluring misdemeanors: She rolls her eyes at me.
“That,” I say, pointing at her. “That’s exactly what I mean.”