A sullen expression graces her face when she looks at me, suggesting a subtle nod. “Oh, right.”
Chapter 15
We walk into the Cartier shop just a few minutes later. Portraying the perfect gentleman, Logan opens the door for me to walk in before him, but I freeze on the spot once I’m inside the store.
He regards me with an expectant look.
“Well?”he asks, jutting his chin forward. “Feel free to look around.”
“You said we’re looking for something to pleaseyourneeds,” I retort. “So? What do your people deem appropriate?”
A frown flashes across his face. He looks like he’s about to say something, but then stops himself when a sales woman, dressed in a navy blue lady suit and black heels,teeters in our direction.
“How may I help you?”she asks, flashing a plastic smile at us.
“We’re looking for an engagement ring,” he respondsswiftly, his tone cold and apathetic.
The woman nods, looking slightly stunned at his stern tone, as she throws me a quick look, laced with a hint of sympathy. I’d love to tell her that she has no reason to feel sorry for me, because I’m being compensated—and generously so—for this little charade, and have no intentions of actually tying the knot withthiscold-as-ice rock of a man.
A man who barged into the changing room while I was practically naked, and then approached me like heownedme. My heart begins to race as the memory of that moment surfaces. It was so rude and intrusive—and incredibly hot. That kiss almost brought me to my knees. Why does he keep doing this, kissing me like that, and then actingas if nothing has ever happened?
And why do I have to be attracted to such crude behavior?
How is this supposed to work if he keeps doing these kindsof things? Is he actually attracted to me as much as I am attracted to him? Is he playing some sort of fucked up game with me?
I need tobecareful, that’s for sure. I can’t lose my head in all of this, because I definitely can’t trust him. With all that’s been happening between us so far, I could very easily get hurt again, if I don’t watch out for myself.
I can’t let that happen.
“Oh, what a wonderful occasion,” the sales woman cheers, her smile widening. “Please follow me.”
I manage to mirror her smile for a split second, before she turns around and leads us to a glass cabinet that holds a large array of diamond rings.
“Did you have anything in particular in mind?”she wants to know.
She’s looking at me first, before she turns to Logan, a questioning eyebrow raised.
“We’re just browsing for now, thank you,” Logan says, already turning away from her.
She gets the hint and regards us with a short nod, before she turns around and moves behind the register to give us a little bit of space.
“So?”he asks, as soon as she is out of earshot. “See anything you like?”
He’s not looking at me, but keeps his gaze fixated on the rings in front of us. I follow his example, trying to appear unfazed as I scan the display. They all pretty much look the same to me, despite their vastly varying prices.
“I don’t know,” I mutter helplessly. “How about that one?”
I point at one of the most delicate rings, set with a small brilliant-cut diamond center stone. The platinum ring itself is paved with even smaller diamonds all around and quite thin compared to most others.
“Étincelle de Cartier Solitaire?”he ponders, indignation lacing his voice. “No, you can’t run around with that. It’s ridiculous.”
“Ridiculous?” I repeat. “I like it. It’s not flashy and huge like the other ones.”
“It’s not convincing,” Logan argues. “A man in my position wouldn’t give that to his fiancée. It’s too cheap.”