Page 31 of Billion Dollar Lie

I nod. “Yes. You look proper and—”

“Stuffy as hell,” she cuts me off brusquely.

I throw her an aggravated look. “We’ll have to work on your language, too, it seems.”

She lets out a dismissive huff. “Whatever.”

I watch as she surveys herself again in the mirror, turning and pivoting on her toes while the dress flaps around her slim legs. She can complain as much as she wants, but I can see the hint of satisfaction on her face when watches herself. There’sasideofher that’s beginning to enjoy this, a side that wants to see Kat strive and become a better version of herself.

Why else would she do all of this?

“I just don’t care for Burberry,” she adds. “It’s so… staid.”

She grimaces as if she was detecting a bad smell in the air.

“You’ll get used to it,” I inform her. “And you don’t have to like it. You just have to wear it.”

“And I will,” she says. “For as long as I have to.”

We both lock eyes for a second, an unspoken question floating between us. She agreed to a probation period, but she hasn’t signed anything yet. For all I know she could still back out at any time and just leave with the money I’ve given her so far.

Some people would do that. Stupid people who don’t think far ahead.

People who would push me away when I steal a kiss from them. Unlike Kat, who,if anything,begged for more when I devoured her lips and grabbed her ass.

Besides, Kat needs the money, and from what I could gather, she needs a lot more than just a few grand to turn her life around. She would not have been working at The Velvet Rooms if it were any different.

She will sign the contract.

And then she’ll be truly mine—and she’ll pave the path into the midst of the Vanguard Society. I don’t know how long it will take, but I know it will work. Ithasto work.

And once I’m in, she’ll be free, and she can do—and wear—whatever the fuck she wants to. The thought refuses to sit well with me, but I choose to ignore the unpleasant sting inside my chest.

We still have a lot to tackle before that—and plenty of time.

“Right,” I retort, averting my eyes from her. “For as long as you have to.”

“How long will that be, anyway?”she wants to know, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “There was no time frame stated in the contract, if I remember correctly.”

“That’s because I don’t know for how long I may need your service,” I answer.

“Did it ever occur to you thatImight need to know?”she nags. “I have a life to plan, you know… for after.”

We lock eyes, and I see my own unease reflected in her expression.

“We won’t be talking about that today,” I say, jutting my chin forward. “Try on the next outfit.”

She sighs, but refrains from rolling her eyes at me this time. I watch her walk back to the dressing room, swinging her hips a little too lively for it to be coincidental. It’s her Velvet Rooms walk, subtly seductive and well aware that my eyes are on her.

She’s trying to please me—even though she’d never admit it openly.

What a good girl.

My core thunders with need for her—a need that I was smart enough to push aside for the time being. I can’t have her, not right now, and not in the way I want her. I’ve wanted to fuck Kat ever since I first laid eyes on her. That’s why I called her to my table in the first place, even though I knew I couldn’t have her then either.

And now she’s here,this closeto becoming all mine, turning and twisting like a pretty doll for my benefit.

I can’t suppress a faint groan as I shift in my seat, my mind too occupied with thoughts about all the things I want to do to her. It doesn’t help that she looks absolutely stunning in a navy blue brocade mini dress when she comes back out of the dressing room. The tight fitting dress hugs her figure so fucking perfectly, accentuating her feminine hips and her breastsin a way that drives me insane. And she walks with her head high, shoulders pulled back and hips swinging with an allure that drives me nuts. A true-to-life Cinderella if there ever was one.