Page 26 of Billion Dollar Lie

“Good to see you, Kat,” he says, his arms wide as if to invite me for a hug.

My grip around the strap of my bag tightens, and I bring myself to smile back at him.

“Hi.” My voice is so hoarse that it sounds more like a sigh than a greeting. I try to clear my throat, which turns into an embarrassing cough that echoes through the hall with such audacity that the receptionist throws a questioning look our way.

“Come with me,” Logan says, placing a hand on my shoulder and giving me a gentle push. His touch is assuring and electrifying at the same time. I don’t know what I want to do more, lean into it or run away from it?

“Are you hungry?”he asks, as he guides me to the elevators.

I shake my head. “Not really.”

“Fine, dinner can wait.”

Much to my surprise, he doesn’t stop in front of the first set of elevators, but walks right past them and around the corner, where we’re met with another steely door that appears to lead to another, much smaller elevator.

“We’re on the uppermost floor, the penthouse,” he informs me. “This elevator only stops there—and at our spa area onthefloor beneath.”

“Ourspa area?” I repeat.

A smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth. “Yes, ours. Sauna, pool, steam room. No one else has access. I’ll show you later.”

My cheeks blush at the thought of the two of us in the sauna. That’s not what he means by ‘I’ll show you later’, right? It can’t be. He said this would involve no sex—unless… well, unless I wanted it to happen.

What a presumptuous thing to say! Of course, I can’t let that happen. It would be stupid. Right?

“You’ll have to enter a pin here,” he goes on, pointing at a panel next to the door. “And then another one once you’re inside.”

He enters four digits and the door slides open almost instantly.

“Please.” He gestures for me to go inside before him, and I reluctantly obey, still holding on to my bag as if it was a lifeline.

“I change the codes on a regular basis,” he announces, as he pinches in another pin at the panel inside the elevator.

“Never write them down anywhere. I want you to remember them by heart, do you understand?”

He sends me a warning look, a stern eyebrow raised until I nod in response. “Yes, I understand.”

“Good girl.” A smile replaces his serious expression and he turns away from me to watch the growing numbers on the display above the doors.

“Relax, will you. I’m not going to eat you alive,” he says. “As much as I’d like to.”

I can’t help the heat flushing through my entire body,and most likely darkening my cheeks in a treacherous way, when he adds a wink to his words.

“Why are you doing this?” I hear myself ask.

“Doing what?”

“These… these insinuations,” I say, forcing myself to lock eyes with him when he regards me with a quizzical look.

“Because I like to see you blush,” he responds, a triumphant smile widening across his handsome features. “It suits you.”

I frown, which causes him to laugh.

“Adorable.” He chuckles.

His remark leaves me dumbfounded. I’ve never been called adorable before, and I almost breathe a sigh of relief when the elevator comes to a halt and the doors slide open.

“After you.”