Page 16 of Billion Dollar Lie

He arches an eyebrow at us, first looking at Carter and Jack, before he turns to me and mutters: “Yes, all of us.”

He looks back down at his phone as soon as the wordsleavehis lips, signaling that he has nothing more to say. He is the youngest of us boys, and if it were up to me, he would be in college to finish his degree, rather than spoiling his prospects for a legit career. But Tyler, smart as he may be, prefers the path of least resistance—which means following his brothers’ lead.

“You should talk to our local contacts in DC if you want to make sure that club doesn’t get another warning,” Jack says, pulling my attention back to the table. “Wearen’t your problem here. We merely worked as henchmen for a friend.”

“I don’t want to get involved with anyone in DC,” I tell them. “I don’t want to drag this shit with me. I want to be out, for good.”

Jack just shrugs, while Carter rolls his eyes at me.

“Yes, you’ve said that more than once,” he moans. “We get it.”

“And how is that going for you so far?” Jack probes, placing his elbows on the table between us as he leans forward. “You turning into a pimp now, or what?”

A disgusted frown is all I can muster as a response.

I wish I could make them understand. In fact, I wish I could make them follow my lead and do the same. But I know there’s no use in even trying.

“None of your fucking business,” I tell them, emptying the can of beer in one large swig, before I get up and make a move to leave. This conversation is over.

“Do you even care if she’s still alive?” I hear Tyler’s voice from the back of the room as I place my hand around the doorknob.

I pause and turn around to him, a question painting my expression. Tyler hasn’t moved an inch, but regards me with a dark gaze.

“Grace,” he says. “She’s no longer in school.”

“What?!” I exclaim. “Why? Where is she?”

You’d think as the youngest one and the only one among us who was never burdened with family expectations, our sister would be the one with the easiest path, the most fulfilling life, the most opportunities to blossom. But somehow, our little Grace has always been the one who struggled the most—with everything. And it has only gotten worse after the death of our mother a few years back.

“Psychiatric hospital,” Carter answers in his place. “She was causing too much trouble, ran off again…”

“Jumped,” Jack adds. “She jumped off a cliff into the sea. It’s a miracle she didn’t get hurt.”

My heart almost stops.

“She tried to kill herself?”

They shake their heads.

“According to Grace, no. That wasn’t her intention,” Jack says.

“Still crazy, though,” Tyler adds for consideration. “Crazy enough to get locked up.”

He throws me an accusing look, but I choose to ignore it.

“Where is she?” I want to know. “What hospital?”

“She can’t see visitors,” Carter replies. “Not yet, at least.”

Typical. All of this. My sister tries to hurt herself and gets sent to a psychiatric ward—and no one bothered to tell me. Who knows when—and if—I’dhaveever heard about it if I hadn’t shown up today.

“Keep me posted,” I say to no one in particular, before I turn the knob and open the door.

Grace may be troubled, but at least she’s safe.

That’s more than I can say about a certain someone back in DC.

A certain someone who needs to become mine.