Page 111 of Gorgeous Prince

But you can watch tons of porn and still not know what your body physically likes.

My body likes when Benny worships it.

It also likes when he abuses it—so longasI’m okay with it.

I trust Benny enough to know he’ll stop if I’m not comfortable.

Benny squeezes my waist. “You let me know if I’m ever too rough.”

“I like you rough.”

“Let. Me. Know.”

He retreats to the bedroom while my complaining moves from the rat’s nest on my head to my smeared makeup.

When Benny returns to the bathroom, the camera is in his hand.

He removes the thumb drive and plays with it between his fingers. “This might be my new best friend.”

I stare at him pointedly. “Burn it.”

“I can’t wait to watch it. Can’t waitfor usto watch it.”

My lips twitch into a smile.

I want to try every fantasy with my husband.

* * *

“Neomi,I appreciate you not killing my employee today,” Cristian says from the head of the dining table when Benny and I sit for dinner.

My stomach rumbles at the smell of whatever is cooking in the kitchen, and my eyes widen at Cristian’s comment.

“I have cameras on every inch of this place,” he adds.

I’m certain the Marchettis have a death penalty rule for snitches, but here’s Cristian, ratting on me, as if he’d been offered a pretty plea deal.

My husband keeps secrets from me.

I planned to keep my conversation with his mistress one of mine.

But of course, nothing can stay hidden when it comes to the Marchettis.

“Cameras everywhere,exceptfor the bedrooms and bathrooms,” Gigi points out, smiling at me. “Those are camera-free, for obvious reasons.”

My cheeks turn as red as the wine in my glass when Benny winks at me and squeezes my thigh. His bedroom wasn’t camera-free around an hour ago.

I snatch the glass, needing something to hold on to, and smile at Cristian. “I figured you’d hate me if I was the cause of another dead body in your beautiful home.”

Technically, Alden’s dead body was Benny’s doing.

I hadn’t forced him to pull the trigger.

I might’ve nudged him a bit, but he could’ve restrained himself.

My intent wasn’t to hurt Gretchen during our chat. Hell, I hadn’t even planned to speak with her until she appeared in my view again. Us running into each other was a sign we needed to talk. As much as I want to be a jealous bitch and have Gretchen fired, I won’t.

Unless she decides to drop to her knees in front of my husband again.