Page 11 of The King's Weapon

Kallie chuckled. With her father's words constantly buzzing in her mind all night, she hadn't noticed. But now that she was rid of it, Kallie did feel lighter—although she knew the feeling was fleeting. Not wanting to discuss herself, Kallie changed the subject, "How was your stroll with Alyn in the gardens?"

Myra's hands froze in Kallie’s hair. After a brief moment, she continued untwisting hair from the intricate bun. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Kallie could hear the blush in Myra's voice. "If you say so, Myra."

Myra tilted Kallie's head back. "Anyway, have you made your choice?"

Kallie closed her eyes as Myra poured water onto her head. The steaming water hit her skull and ran down her back. Kallie wished the water would wash away more than the grime of the day. She wanted to tell Myra the truth about the suitors, but Kallie bit her tongue. For the longest time, the only secret she had kept from Myra was her gift. Now, she was hiding the truth about the suitors and her father's plan from her as well, But it was the only way. Perhaps she could at least be somewhat honest with her friend. "At the end of the day, I'll choose what is best for Ardentol."

"I hope you think about your happiness as well, Kallie." Sadness filled Myra's words. “A kingdom is only as happy as its rulers.”

While choosing the king of Frenzia wasn't necessarily her choice, the power the marriage would grant her would provide the happiness Kallie sought. Unlike Myra, love would not make Kallie happy. Love was fickle; love could be manipulated and skewed. Power though, truepower over others and herself was something Kallie had always craved. Even though she was a king’s daughter and while she loved her father, she needed more. King Domitius was able to do whatever he wanted. He did not need someone else's approval, and Kallie hungered for that sort of freedom.

And deep within, she wanted to show her father she could do more,bemore than his errand girl.

Every strategy meeting she sat in on, every monthly court session she witnessed, Kallie saw firsthand how the people respected him. How they bowed down to their king.

But it was time they bowed down to a queen.

She would strengthen her gift. She would endure the dangers. She would learn the strengths and weaknesses of her allies and her enemies. And then she would show her father and all of Vaneria she could rule a kingdom. Because that was all Kallie wanted.

To rule. To rule her own kingdom, her own people.


Her father had taught her many things, but the most important lesson he had taught her was to take control of her own destiny.

A smile appeared on her face, the first genuine one of the night."Don't worry, Myra. My happiness always comes first."

Myra squeezed Kallie's shoulders. "Good. That is all I want for you."

Once Myra finished washing her hair, she left Kallie alone.

Kallie stayed submerged in the tub until the scorching water cooled and her skin looked like little prunes. After drying off, she swapped the wet towel for the silk robe that hung on the wooden rod, then wandered into her room. Kallie headed to the windows on the eastern side of her room and threw them open. A breeze swept through and carried in the comforting smell of oak.

Leaving the windows open, she threw on the night dress laid out on her bed. Every choice today and all the days leading up to it had been made for her. From the dress she wore to the words she spoke to the very oils poured into her bath. But tomorrow, she would be one step closer to changing that. Tomorrow, she would be one step closer to becoming her own ruler.

Tucked under the blankets, she faced the window and watched as the moon shifted in the sky, letting her mind wander as she drifted to sleep. She prayed to the gods she would dream of a world she controlled.

* * *

The smellof smoke and the explosion of light startled Kallie awake. She crawled out of bed and ran toward the window. Night still shaded the earth, but a bright light streamed into the room from the nearby forest.

The trees were on fire.

The bright flames were too close, too fast. Panic surged through her.

The house would catch on fire at any moment. She had to run, she had to escape. She had to do something.

On shaky legs, she sprinted toward the doors, throwing them open. No guards were in sight. Had they left her to die? She didn't want to think that was the case, but there was no time. Kallie would reprimand whoever was to blame for that misstep later—if they survived.

She ran through the halls, screaming, alerting anyone still asleep.Skidding to a stop at the master bedroom at the end of the hall, she yanked the door handle and immediately wrenched her hand back. Hugging it to her chest, she peeled her hand open. Her skin was scarlet. She shook it while ignoring the searing pain.

Black smoke seeped through the crack beneath the door.

She scanned the hallway, frantically searching for anything that could help force it open. Her parents were still inside.

She pounded on the door with her fists as shouting filled the hallway. Still, she kept slamming her fist against the warm wood.