
Growingupasamixed child in a world full of black and white, I was rarely invited to these kinds of celebrations. It wasn’t until I got older and started to really gain this “look” that people became interested in me. Especially other women. I didn’t really fit in with the white women, because I was too dark, or the black women, because I was too light. But Casey didn’t care either way. That was what I liked about her the most. She saw me as just another woman she could be friends with.

“Oh my god! I'm so glad you decided to come to the party tonight. I thought I would be the only woman here who isn’t trying to sleep with my dad,” she laughed. “It’s so annoying being around a bunch of houndish women all day. I think most of them only talk to me because they think it’ll get them closer to my dad, it’s so annoying. Anyway, you look great! I love this dress.”

If only Casey knew the things I wanted to do to her father, she probably wouldn’t be so fond of me anymore. I could stop thinking about Logan after the moment we’d had earlier. Every time I saw the man I felt a warmth in my panties that I wanted him to fan away.

“Thank you,” I chuckled. “Some women just can’t help themselves when they see a fine man like Logan. Luckily enough for me, I've seen a dozen.”

I played off my desire for Logan in front of her, but truth be told, Logan was the finest white man I had ever laid eyes on. He was charming, soulful, and stylish. The sharp blue of his eyes made him look mysterious and sleek. On top of his already charming demeanor, the man had a way about him that would make any woman throw themselves at his feet. The way he gave his full attention while being spoken to, as if you were the only one who mattered, could make a woman’s heart melt.

The lounge where the company party was being held was very glamorous. Royal colors, drapes, and decorations were spread throughout. Everyone in attendance wore different shades of purples, creams, and golds. When I saw Logan at the head of the celebration wearing a suit that coordinated perfectly with my dress, I smiled and shook my head a little. When I finally caught his eye, he smiled too, knowing that I was on to him.

“Who’s that woman he’s talking to?” I asked Casey. “She’s gorgeous.”

“That is one of our top clients. Mrs. Sharron Mancini. She does a lot of charity work and always wants a new home or business designed.”

I wondered if Sharron and Logan had something going on behind the scenes. The way she smiled at him and gently caressed his arm every time he made her laugh seemed to show more than just a business partnership. When Logan finally excused himself from Sharron’s conversation, he made his way over to Casey and me. Casey wasn’t nearly as eager as I was to speak with Logan, and that was okay. In my eyes, that meant more attention for me.

“Good evening, ladies.”

He smiled when he greeted us. At first, I felt as if he greeted us both with fatherly love. But when he took my hand and raised it to his lips for a gentle kiss, I blushed.

“Good evening,” I bashfully replied. “Thanks for inviting me.”

“Thank you for coming. I see you and Casey have hit it off pretty well. She's always been my most bubbly daughter.”

“I’ve always been your only daughter,” she chimed in. “I saw you talking with Sharron. What's she up to these days?”

His eyes flashed a very bored look when Casey mentioned Sharron. I wasn’t sure if he was truly bored with her, or if he only wanted me to believe he was. Logan was a smart man, and I was sure he’d had his share of run-ins with women, so my expression wasn’t too hard for him to read.

“The usual,” he said. “Buildings and more buildings. I’m sure she’ll be calling you to put in a request. Besides, she likes you more than she does me,” he chuckled.

His eyes were on me the entire time. I tried to look away, so Casey wouldn’t feel the same way about me as she did the other women at the company, but that was hard to do. Logan was so handsome and dazzling, it was hard to keep my eyes away from him.

“So, since you actually invited Ariane to the party, I’m guessing she’s here to stay?” Casey asked. “You never invite any of your assistants anywhere, other than work.”

Logan looked a little caught off guard by her observation, but he was smooth and nonchalant with his reply.

“Sure.” He shrugged. “Ariane is a great asset. I wanted her to get a feel for what things are like outside of my sternness.”

“Uh huh.” Casey laughed a little. “Just say she’s the best assistant you ever had and get on with it.”

Even I laughed at that. I knew I was great at what I did, always had been, but the best Logan had ever had? Casey was a better judge of that than I was. He didn’t argue though, making me believe I really was a good fit for him. I hoped in more ways than one.

“Are you enjoying the evening, Ariane?” he asked as he stared at me with that captivating gaze. I could feel my heart skipping a beat and my face flushing. I couldn’t resist him, no matter how hard I tried. “We have these parties once every few months,” he added.

“I am,” I replied as I took a deep breath, hoping he wouldn’t notice my beet-red face. Casually, I answered, “I didn’t know what to expect after my dress fitting, but I should have known it would be something special. Considering I work for Logan Taylor.”


Ariane looked so adorable when she was blushing. She tried to play it off, but I knew she was attracted to me too. Earlier, when I’d caught her in my arms, I had wanted her so badly. I wanted nothing more than to lock lips with her, feel the warmth of her tongue against mine, and massage it with such passion that I drove her to the brink.

She excused herself to the bathroom to freshen up and I took that as an invitation to follow. The only issue with that was Casey. I felt like she knew what was on my mind and did everything in her power to change it.

“Don’t go chasing tail, Dad. You finally found a great assistant who can actually keep up with your bratty demands, don’t run her off by trying to sleep with her.”

“What?” I laughed to hide the truth. “I’m not chasing tail.”