"Uh-huh, I knew it was you." I chuckled. “But don't worry; I forgave you a long time ago. I am also sorry for not being honest about my identity. You must have thought I wanted to get back at Lucas when you learned about the real name. It was never my intention, nor falling for your dad.”

"I know. Thank you, Arianne".

We hugged and said our goodbyes afterward. Even though I was twenty-five pounds heavier, I felt like I was one hundred pounds lighter just because I had Casey’s blessing. She was one of the reasons why I’d wanted to take things slowly with Logan. And I had suspected she had something to do with the misplaced lockbox that night. I understand why she had done it. I would have probably done the same if I were in her shoes.


I took another three-day weekend a little after Ariane’s eight-month mark. After our surprise lovemaking, we started spending more and more time together to do more things for the baby, like yoga and parenting classes. We went shopping for baby things—cribs, changing tables, clothes, toiletries. I was excited for the baby to make her way into our crazy world, and I knew Ariane felt the same way. She confessed she was scared and nervous a lot of the time, but there was no need for her to be. I predicted she would be the best mom she could be, and in the times when she didn’t know what to do or how to go on, I vowed to be there to pick up any slack.

“Thanks for coming over to help me paint this room,” she said. “I had no idea how I was gonna get up on that ladder and reach the top.”

“I keep telling you, Ariane, anything you need, no matter what it is, just give me a call. This is my child too.”

We talked a lot while we painted. She told me all about her sit-down with Casey and how well things had turned out. I was honestly surprised to know that my daughter had reached out to her. I’d thought we would always be in limbo or a divided family once the baby arrived.

“Yeah, I know. I have to get myself used to having someone willing to help me with things. Someone other than Trinity,” she chuckled.

“Where is Trinity?” I asked. “She seems like a great friend.”

“She is a great friend. The best friend I've ever had. I don’t even consider her a friend, she’s like the sister I never had.”

I thought about my own life and the friendships I’d created. They were all great people, but I didn’t feel that same bond or connection to them the way Ariane felt with Trinity. If I needed anything, I was sure someone would be there for me. But not in the way Trinity was for Ariane. It was more intimate, more personal and compassionate. Even I was grateful for her.

“I would like to meet her sometime. If she’s going to be in my daughter’s life, I think we should be properly introduced.”

“That’s no problem,” Ariane replied. “She’ll be here, always. And she’s already talked about meeting you—the man who got me knocked up,” she laughed.

Hearing her talk about Trinity wanting to meet me and all the jokes they cracked about me had me in tears with laughter. I loved the reenactments of their conversations. It was like watching a movie live and in the flesh. It also helped the painting go by a lot faster.

“This looks really good.” Ariane nodded. “I didn’t expect for it to turn out this nice.”

“Wow!” I laughed. “This is sort of my profession.”

“I’m just teasing.” She laughed again. “It does look nice, though. Now the only thing left to do is to put all her things in here to be ready for her when she comes home.”

Ariane was set for delivery a month later. The time seemed to be ticking by faster than it had my first time around. I didn’t know if it was because I was so excited to meet my new bundle of joy, or because I was just having such a good time being around Ariane. Whatever it was, I held on to it with all my might because the feeling was truly unmatched.

After we painted the room, Ariane asked if we could order takeout and sit down for a movie to relax. That was the highlight of my night. But being able to spend some intimate time with her doing absolutely nothing was something I had longed for more than she knew.

“How have you been, Logan?” she asked. “I haven’t really asked you about yourself since we’ve been talking again.”

I nodded. “I've been alright. Adjusting, that’s for sure.”

“Adjusting?” She made an odd face. “Adjusting to what, exactly?”

“Everything. Life. The baby. Dad and his declining condition.”

“Oh yeah, how is your dad doing? I hope he’ll get to meet our little daughter someday.”

“That would be wonderful. Let’s just hope he has more years under his belt so he can play with our little bundle of joy and hear her squeals around the house.” I chuckled.

Chapter Twenty-five


Threeweeksbeforemydue date, I still had a lot of vacation time to kill. The lack of work and places to go had me so bored, I felt like I was imprisoned by my own body. Of course, Logan came over to keep me company whenever I asked. He took me shopping and on day trips on his private jet. He even took me to a charity event he hosted in Cuba. I had a blast there and planned to go back after I gave birth. And he wanted to come with me.

“How do you feel being out of the office for so long?” I asked, while we took a small hike around the park.