“Looks like the drama has started,” she chuckled. “I knew there was something going on between you two.”

I turned to face her with pure annoyance in my eyes. I wanted to yell at her too, tell her to mind her own business and let her father be the grown man he was, without her interfering. But I held that inside.

“Yeah.” I folded my arms across my chest and shifted my weight to one foot. “We had another disagreement in front of a client. He's used to his assistants keeping quiet and not giving input; I'm not one of them.” I shrugged.

“Uh huh.” Casey laughed sarcastically. “Keep telling yourself that, sweetie. I said what I had to say to you over lunch the other day. I won’t reiterate it again.”

Without another word, Casey walked away, skipping up the large steps that led to the entrance of the building, while I stood at the bottom, watching her walk away. She was onto me more than I knew. I grew shaky, wondering what information she had on me. Wondering if I should tell Logan before she had the chance. But I was too afraid.


I had more important things to do than go back and forth with Ariane that afternoon. She had made it clear she didn’t want a relationship, intimate friendship, or anything of the sort. So, I backed away, just like she did. I wanted to make myself believe it was for the best, even though deep down I didn’t agree. I cared a lot about her. If she only knew how much I missed her. I missed her scent, her giggles when I accidentally tickled her with my stubble, and the way she made my heart melt when she returned my kisses with such intense passion. Deep down, I knew she cared a lot about me too. I could see it in her eyes.

My mind drifted back to how much fun we’d had in Paris.

I adored her angelic face and could not believe she was mine. I must have woken her up with my stare.

“Logan, you’re up so early.” Smiling and rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she said, “You’re making me feel self-conscious. Stop staring at me.” She put the blanket over her mouth. “Is there something wrong with my face?”

“Can’t I admire a beautiful lady?” I responded as I touched her face and combed my fingers through her hair.

She just smiled and crinkled her nose like she always did when I paid her a compliment. It was actually so cute, but she didn’t think so.

“What do you want to do today?” I asked.

“Mmmm, just want to spend time with you in bed all day.”

“That can be arranged,” I teased, reaching down and tickling her feet.

Her giggles echoed throughout the penthouse, marking one of the happiest days of my life.

“Stop. I can’t handle it anymore, Logan…please?” she pleaded.

“Okay, okay, I’ll stop,” I said, covering her body with mine. “But let me do this instead.” I lowered my face to kiss her lips and pushed my tongue to caress hers. We were both panting and moaning as we drowned ourselves in our passion. When I was done with her mouth, I lowered to my favorite spot, her quivering flesh, and kissed it the way I kissed her mouth, making her back arch and her toes curl. I loved the pleasure in her eyes. So intoxicating. And I claimed her over and over again that day until we were both out of breath.

“Hey, boss. You okay?”

Harry startled me, interrupting my thoughts about Ariane. He always knew when something wasn’t right with me. He had been my driver for the past five years, so he got to see me up close and personal a lot of the time. He was a great friend to me too. More like the brother I never had. Any time he checked in with me, it made me feel a little better about whatever it was I had going on.

“Women.” I chuckled. “Why are they so confusing?”

“I ask the same question every day,” Harry laughed. “Maybe they don’t know what they want. Or maybe they’re afraid to go after it. I don’t know. What I do know is, they are very confusing.”

Harry had never been married while he drove for me. As far as I knew, he’d never even gone on a date. I often wondered why that was, but when I ran into the women I ran into, I kind of had an idea. Maybe Harry had the secrets to dating, who knew? I knew I sure as hell didn’t.

“Problems with the ex-wife again?” he asked, peering at me through the rearview mirror.

I wished I could say yes, because he knew all about the problems I had with Margot. But it was Ariane I had issues with at the time. Issues I didn’t think should have been issues if we both knew what we wanted.

“Nah.” I shook my head. “Someone new. It's like, one minute she wants me. The next minute, she’s pulling away. I don’t know if I scared her off by coming on too strong, or if she’s just not telling me something.”

“Is it that assistant of yours?”

The car grew silent. We both knew my answer already, Harry was just waiting for me to confirm. At first, I wanted to keep that truth to myself. But after he got that trustworthy look in his eye, I knew I could go ahead and relieve myself of my worries.

“Yeah.” I nodded. “I don’t even know how we ended up a thing, if I can even call us that. Things just kind of sparked up and fired out of control. In a good way. I mean, I know she wants me, I can feel it. The same way I want her. She just backed away out of nowhere.”

“Ahh.” Harry nodded too. “Maybe she’s gotten cold feet. You know, she looks a lot younger than we are. Those are the ones who are always hot and cold when it comes to dating older gentlemen. We already know what we want, but them? They're still experimenting and testing the waters, you know?”