“I actually feel great,” he replied. “I thought it would be harder than it is, but I've come to find I actually needed to take some time off. Some real time off, not just a few days here and there. I work so much; I barely get to enjoy the inside of my own home.”

I loved hearing him talk about his vacations and home life. He had talked about work so much before, I thought he’d turn out to be the most boring guy ever. It was like he had no life outside of work. Yeah, he got to travel the world, meet all kinds of people, and attend huge parties, but I had wondered what he really had for himself. Or what he would do when those things didn’t mean much anymore.

One week before I was due, my feet had become so swollen that Logan wouldn’t leave me at home by myself. He slept downstairs on the couch for the first few nights, but the night I had a terrible backache I needed his warmth next to me in bed.

“Hold right here.” I winced in pain as I placed his hand where I needed pressure. “Yeah, right there.”

“Do you think we should get over to the hospital tonight, just in case? You might be going into early labor.”

“What do you know about early labor?” I laughed through the pain. “I don’t think I need to go tonight. But if tomorrow still feels the same, I will.”

He lay with me all night, pretending to still be awake. Even when I heard light snores seep from his mouth, he refused to admit he had fallen asleep. I thought it was adorable, the way he cared and catered to my every need. At times, I wondered if he did it because I carried his child. But I knew he did it for me too. He’d already confessed he loved me many times.

When my pain eased up and Logan finally succumbed to his slumber, I rolled over onto my side and held him for a while. The feeling of his warmth made the silence of the room feel like magic. And surprisingly, I was able to sleep more that night than I had in months.

I woke up to an empty bed the next morning but could smell the fatty deliciousness of bacon sizzling downstairs. A smile slid across my face as I tossed both my legs over the side of the bed and stepped down. The minute I did, however, I felt a gush of liquid pour from between my legs and knew it was time.

“Oh no.” I held onto my belly as if it would stop the pain from coming on. “Logan,” I called out softly, afraid to yell and make matters worse. “Logan, I need help.”

He didn’t hear me, but he was already on his way upstairs with breakfast, so we met at the top of the stairs, and we were both in shock. His eyes were as wide as the plates he held in his hands and his mouth nearly the same. But instead of panicking, he calmly set the plates down, helped me downstairs to the car, and grabbed everything we needed to bring our baby girl into the world.

It took thirty-six hours of labor before Harlee Bianca Taylor made her grand entrance into the world. The name came to us at the last minute. Her middle name was his idea. He said, “Let it be a reminder of how hard you fought for the life you wanted.” That was one of the most poetic and influential things anyone had ever said to me. So much so that I agreed, even though I had said I never wanted to tie myself to that name again.

Logan could not wait to call his dad to introduce Harlee to him. His caregiver helped to set up facetime so his dad could see our little Harlee. The joy in his dad’s eyes was priceless.

“Dad, how are you doing?” Logan asked, his voice full of joy and pride. “I want you to meet Harlee. She is seven pounds six ounces, and twenty-six inches long.”

“Wow, look at her. She is so big and tall. She is going be a tall girl when she grows up, just like her grandpa,” his dad said with a shaky voice. “I am so happy for you, son.”

“Thank you, Dad. How are you doing?” Logan inquired.

“I’m wonderful, son. Couldn’t be any happier. I can’t wait to meet Ariane and Harlee in person someday.”

After I said goodbye, Logan and his dad talked for a few more minutes before they ended the call. Logan arranged a flight for us to visit his dad when Harlee was over a month old. So Harlee and I met him in person two months before he passed away.

When Harlee was six months old, we took our first trip to Cuba together as a family. It was a beautiful trip. Casey was there, but Lucas and Margot couldn’t make it. Casey fell head over heels for her little sister and their bond was one I loved to be around.

“I’m glad Casey finally came around and is getting to know Harlee.” Logan smiled as he watched Casey and Harlee play at the beach’s shoreline.

“Me too. She really loves Harlee, and Harlee just loves her to death. Every time she hears Casey's voice, she gets the biggest smile on her face,” I laughed. “It makes me jealous sometimes.”

After a beach playdate, Casey had the great idea for Logan and me to go out for a romantic dinner that evening. As a new mother, I was afraid of being away from Harlee for any amount of time, but Casey insisted she would guard her with her life. It was only for a few hours, so I agreed.

The night was so full of the romantic energy I missed from Logan. He dressed me, escorted me, and made me feel like a queen for the night. And I loved every minute of it. After being wined and dined all night long, we went back to a private suite and ended the night making mad passionate love for old times’ sake.

His lips and tongue kissed and licked every inch of my body. His hands gripped and caressed my most intimate curves and places. The feeling of his hands on my breasts after bearing his child felt like perfection. So much so that when he tried to move them, I firmly kept them in place while I rode him.

Snaking my body on top of his while he firmly held on to both of my rear cheeks was my favorite. The way he pinned me close to him while thrusting upward from below made me ooze with pleasure juice. When it was his turn to take control, I smiled at him, knowing he would give my body everything it had been missing and more.


Harlee was already a year old when I got the word of a surprise forty-fifth birthday party. Casey and Ariane had put their heads together and planned something special for me that night. Everyone I cared for was there, including Lucas and Margot.

While I got dressed for my party that night, I stared at the picture of Ariane, Harlee, and Casey that I kept taped to the mirror in my walk-in closet. They were all smiling and loving one another, and it made me feel the happiest I’d ever felt. Every time I looked at it. I felt so happy the first time I saw it that I’d gone out the very next day and bought an engagement ring.

“Okay, Logan,” I lectured myself in the mirror. “You’re ready for this. And this time, it’ll be perfect.”

I opened the ring box and stared at it for a while before putting it into my pocket. I had my proposal speech already memorized, because I had been contemplating asking Ariane for her hand for months, but I knew once we were face-to-face my perfectly planned speech might change.