“You can come live with me, Ariane. You don’t have to stay so far away from everything. You can have Harry drive you around, run errands. Whatever you need.”

There he was, trying to sweep me off my feet again. I couldn’t lie, it was working. But I fought hard against it. Rushing things between Logan and I wasn’t something on my to-do list. I wanted to take things slow. Birth the baby and see where things would lead from there.

“I think I'm okay for now.” I chuckled. “I don’t mind the drive into the city. The traffic sucks, but I enjoy the ride sometimes. Besides, Darla would have a fit if I was too far away.”

“Yeah, she would.” He chuckled too. “Well, I guess until next time?”

“Yeah.” I smiled and nodded. “Until next time.”


I stared at the ultrasound pictures for days after our appointment. I was so happy and content with life after being able to be by Ariane’s side through something, I couldn't stop gawking over it. She and I texted a few nights after the appointment, but not about anything romantically serious. I wanted to, but I could tell she was still uncomfortable with the way things were. And I didn’t blame her.

“What’s that?”

Startled, I quickly tucked the ultrasound pictures into my desk drawer. I hadn’t thought Casey would be home so early that evening, but there she was. Ever since she and her mom had started to butt heads again, she’d been home more than expected. I figured she needed a breather from the world for a little while, because of how much like me she was. And so did I.

“You might as well show me, Dad.” She huffed and rolled her eyes as she sat down in my desk chair. “It’s not like I don’t already know she’s pregnant.”

“I don’t mind showing you, I just don’t want things to turn into another argument. I figured you wouldn’t want to see any of this stuff.”

“I mean, I don’t. But it’s here now, so I might as well get used to it.”

The attitude Casey had toward the whole thing didn’t sit right with me. I understood why she was upset and frustrated, but I didn’t want that kind of negativity around the baby. Or Ariane. Nonetheless, I took the pictures from my drawer and handed them to her.

“Got these earlier today. It’s a girl.”

I couldn’t hide the smile on my face, even though Casey looked at the pictures like she was completely disgusted with them. Ignoring her expression, I thought back to her and her brother's ultrasound pictures. Back then, I hadn’t even known what I was looking at. But after so many, I became a pro at spotting the baby on the screen.

“Another girl, huh.” Casey chuckled and handed me back the photos. “You’re in for a world of trouble at your age.”

“I was in for a world of trouble with you at any age,” I laughed. “You’re right, though.”

Casey and I shared a genuine laugh for the first time in months. I had missed having these late-night conversations and joke-cracking sessions with my daughter.

“So, what now?” Casey asked. “Are you and Ariane gonna be a couple and raise your child together? Get married and live happily ever after?”

“Would that be a bad thing?” I believed that Casey saw the sincerity in my eyes when I asked.

“I don’t know.” Casey shrugged and let out a long sigh. “Sometimes I think it doesn’t matter what any of us think about the two of you.” She sighed again. “Besides, you and Lucas are on good terms now, so I don't see why you and Ariane can't be together. I am one hundred percent behind you if you’re happy with her."

"Oh, Casey, thank you. That means a lot coming from you,” I responded.

"Of course, Dad. I love you," she replied.

"I love you too."

Chapter Twenty-four


Theweekendaftermyseventh-month checkup was the start of my mini vacation. Darla was going out of town for a few months to be with family, and I was taking that time to relax and get ready for the birth of my baby girl. Logan had started coming over more often. After a few more lunch dates and more talks about the baby, we’d started to grow close again. And then on one of the days he visited me, I was ready to let him know how I felt.

"Logan, come here. I wanted to tell you something," I said, shifting my focus from my belly to Logan, who was placing the last of the groceries into the fridge.

"Okay, I'm almost finished putting away the yogurts," he responded.

I couldn’t help but admire the man before me. I wondered how he kept his youth so well. It must have been regular exercise and a healthy diet. He looked so damned hot.