Logan sat at his desk with his back pressed against the back of his chair. His eyes were distant and cold, and I knew why. Not only did the smirk on Casey’s face tell it all, but so did the sigh I saw leap from Logan’s chest. When our eyes met as I approached the doorway of his office, he looked like he wanted to vomit.

“Morning,” Casey sarcastically greeted me.

I gulped before I spoke back. “Morning.”

“Ariane, can you come inside and have a seat? Casey, please, give us some privacy.”

“Sure.” Casey bumped me as she walked away. “I’ll be in my office.”

Sitting down in front of Logan’s desk made me feel like a child who’d been sent to the school principal’s office. For some reason, Logan looked larger than he was that morning. Or maybe it was because of how small I felt sitting across from him.

“Ariane.” He sighed again.

There was a long pause after he spoke my name. I knew he had no idea where to start, and neither did I, so I sat quietly and waited for him to continue. He could barely even look at me as he sorted through his mind to find the words.

“Casey,” he started again, hesitating to speak the words. “Casey told me…she told me everything.”

My eyes met his gaze and it nearly shattered my heart into a million pieces. He looked crushed. Not only for himself, but for Lucas too. I wanted to break down and cry, but I sat tall in my seat and let Logan continue.

“This is so hard for me to believe, so hard to process. I can’t...I would never have gotten involved with you had I known you were in a relationship with my son. Do you know what kind of damage this can do to my family? To my business? The press lives for these kinds of scandals. Why did you do this? Was it to get back at me for something? Or Lucas?”

“No.” My voice shook. “I…I don’t even know what I was thinking. I tried keeping things at bay, but you…"

“This is my fault?” His eyes widened. “Are you blaming this on me? You could have told me from the very beginning, and this could have been avoided.”

Logan got up from his desk and loosened his tie to aid his frustration. I couldn’t lie to myself, seeing him so worked up slightly turned me on. I knew it wasn’t the time, nor the place, but I couldn’t help myself.

“Ariane, I'm sorry to have to do this, but I must let you go. Not only from my life, but also the company. I had your last check already deposited into your account this morning. All that’s left is for you to clean out your office and exit the premises.”

I wanted to argue with him firing me, but I knew he was right. It was for the best that I left. Not only for the sake of Logan’s family, but for my own sake as well. I knew it would only be a matter of time before Lucas was informed and he’d come looking for me.

“Fine.” I stood up and smoothed out my blouse, tears slowly beading in my eyes. “I’ll clean out my office and leave. I just want you to know that I am truly sorry. I never meant for things to come to this. That may be hard for you to believe, but I really didn’t. I just wanted to move on with my life after the hell your son took me through. And, I really do care about you.”

His eyes darted back to me when I mentioned Lucas and his abuse. He looked as though he wanted to call me a liar but knew that I was no such thing.


A week after Ariane had gone, the office just didn’t feel the same. I still hadn’t had a conversation with Lucas about what had happened, and neither had Casey. I had to fight with her to give me more time to sit Lucas down and have the talk with him, but in the end, she allowed me that much.

“Mr. Taylor, your car is downstairs.”

I’d hired a new assistant as a temporary stand-in. A man this time around. Someone I knew for a fact I wouldn’t grow any feelings for. He was okay for the most part, but there was still a lot I had to teach him; a lot I didn’t have the patience to teach him. However, for the time being, I had to make the best of things. Until I found someone who could fill Ariane’s shoes.

“So, Bernard, how long did you say you’ve worked in this field?”

“Five years.” He smiled largely and spoke almost as sternly as I did. “I got my first internship with a huge insurance company while I was still in college and have been recommended by some heavy names.”

“Yeah.” I nodded. “I saw on your resume that you’ve worked with a few people I know. Even a few clients of mine. Well done, sir. I'm not sure if you’ve heard, but I'm a very demanding guy. I like things done on time, correctly, and—most times—without my assistance. Everything you need to know will be updated into the iPad. That's how I do many of my conversations with my assistants. So, if you’re keeping up with that, we shouldn’t have any problems.”

The car ride felt awkward with Bernard. He was a very friendly guy, very professional, and seemed like a hard worker. He just wasn’t Ariane. I had no idea why, but even after the stunt she’d pulled, I still thought of her. Perhaps I hadn’t been fair to her by not giving her more time to explain. She told me she cared about me. I wonder if she’d really meant it. My mind couldn't believe Ariane would do such a horrible thing, but what could account for her actions?

I compared everything and everyone to her and the way she worked. I even trekked down to The Golden Apple for a drink and a taste of those famous chicken wings she loved so much.

After a long day of meetings and grouching around at the office, I drove home alone. Casey hadn’t been home since the day she’d found out who Ariane really was, leaving me to stare at the walls all by myself. The house felt colder and quieter than ever without her there. I was used to her inviting herself into my study or interrupting my TV time with talks of her dating life and business plans.

While twiddling my thumbs and watching old reruns did nothing to ease my mind, I called up Harry and asked if he wanted to meet at the gym for some late evening lifting. He must have known I wasn’t in the best state, because he agreed.

“So, what’s bothering you, sir?”