“She’s great.” I nodded. “No complaints.”

“Oh, come on, Dad.” Casey’s laugh made me question her motives again, but she shot me down and threw me for another loop. “You have to tell me more than that. I don’t think I'm so convinced that she’s just the perfect assistant after you’ve gone through a dozen in such a short amount of time.”

“What do you want me to say?” I laughed and took a large gulp from my glass of wine. “She is great. She knows what she’s doing. She takes initiative. And she's very involved.”

I couldn’t tell if I was speaking from the perspective of Ariane’s boss, or her secret lover. She really did go the extra mile in both departments, but I couldn’t tell Casey that. She would flip. Like I promised Ariane, I would eventually tell her, but now was not the time.

“Well, that’s good.” She nodded. “You’re not just taking it easy on her because she’s pretty, right?” She laughed. “Or you guys have some kind of secret love fling going on behind closed doors?”

I gulped hard before forcing a laugh from my chest. It was hard to lie to my daughter, because she knew me so well, so I tried to push the conversation away from Ariane and our personal lives.

“Can we talk about something other than work?” I chuckled. “What’s going on with you and that guy you went out with not too long ago? How's he?”

“Ugh,” she scoffed. “He’s a typical guy, as I thought he would be. I'm starting to feel like all men are the same. They want one thing, and one thing only. And the minute they don’t get their way with it, they ghost you.”

“I don’t think I've ever done that to a woman.” I playfully squinted my eyes like I was deep in thought trying to remember. “No. Not once. I have had women do it to me though.”

When I admitted that out loud, Casey’s eyes widened. Let her tell it, she couldn’t believe women stood me up. She called me a handsome rich man who had a lot of taste, the kind of man every woman wanted. I took her words as a compliment, but I wasn’t so sure she was right.


“Wait a minute, you mean to tell me you two were almost caught. By his daughter?”

Trinity laughed so hard while I told her the story. I didn’t find anything funny about it, personally. But to her, it was the most hilarious thing in the world. I was disgusted with myself about hiding my secret from the both of them, and almost being caught made me feel even worse.

“Yep. She came back to the office early today and knocked on the door. I kind of think she knew something was up. He and I still haven’t talked about it, and I really don’t think I want to. I think I'm just gonna back off and pretend like nothing ever happened. For real this time.”

It was easy to tell myself that while I talked to Trinity, but I knew the moment Logan made a move toward me again, I would be nothing more than putty in his hands. I loved the way I felt with him too much to ever turn him down. Even if it did make me feel like a horrendous woman.

“I mean, I get why you feel the way you feel,” Trinity said. “But at the same time, I don’t feel like you owe Lucas any loyalty or respect. After the way he treated you?”

“It’s not so much about him. Logan is involved in this too. His daughter, his ex-wife. How will they look at him knowing he’s sleeping with his son's ex-girlfriend? They won’t ever be able to let him live it down. I don’t think, anyway. I just don’t want to cause any problems for him, and I don’t want him to look at me as a liar.”

“So, pretend like you didn’t know.”

That thought had crossed my mind too. But Ididknow. I’d known long before I started working with Logan that he was Lucas’s dad. I had just let my own need for pleasure make me lose sight of that. I wished I could go back in time and erase everything Logan and I had done, but at the same time, I wanted more.

When I got to the office the next morning, I walked in with a poker face. All night before bed, I had pep-talked myself into thinking I would be nothing more than his assistant; any other extracurricular activity between us had to end. I did well for the first part of the day, but as my shift came to a close and I saw more and more of Logan, my yearning for him intensified. I wanted to hold him and feel his muscular body against mine.

“Plans for the rest of the evening?” he asked, before packing up his briefcase to leave for the day.

“No.” I set my pen down on my desk and gazed up at him, dreamily. “You?”

“No.” He propped his muscular frame against the frame of the doorway and smiled. “I thought maybe we could go for a drink. Or a ride. Or something.”

There it was. That charming lure of excitement he bestowed upon me every time we met. The temptation I could never resist. I stared at him for longer than I intended to while he stood there. Canvasing every inch of his frame that was exposed, and even the ones that weren’t. I wanted to decline his invitation for another ride, but the truth was, I was ready to go.

“Sure.” I smiled and licked my lips. “I was just finishing up here anyway.”

He held out his hand for me to leave my desk behind. I seductively removed my bottom from my chair and made my way over to him, and the minute I did, he leaned in and kissed me. I melted under his touch, wanting him to take me right there in my office. But he made me wait util we were in his car in the garage.

Once we were behind the dark tints, I savagely tore at his shirt to expose his chest, while he tore at my underwear to slip himself inside. A moan escaped my lips that was so passionate I thought I might scare him away. To my surprise, it made him even more aroused than he already was. His body jolted as he thrust upward into me, making me shout again and reach my orgasm so fast.

Our fun didn’t stop there, however. Instead, we moved on to the back seat for more room. Once we were settled in, he took the reins from behind, while I held my hands against the rear windshield and took all that he gave me.

Logan filled me up until he came. When he could barely catch his breath, he rested his head on the middle of my back and placed tiny kisses down my spine while still inside of me. I gently rocked back and forth, stroking my own ego, making sure I soaked up every last drop of him.

When we were finished, we got dressed and took the drive over to my apartment. I invited him inside for another round of fun, but he insisted he had to get home because he had a busy day the following morning. I didn’t argue, because I’d also had a busy morning, but I still wanted more.