"This job must be refreshing and safe if you’re considering returning to life coaching. Who's the client, some fine-ass actor? Or a rapper?"

"Neither." I smiled shyly. "He's a designer, and someone who I know can open many doors for me in my career again. I know I can go back to work with any of my previous clients, but I really want to branch out and coast in a different lane for once, you know?"

I hesitated to tell Justine precisely who the client was because she would lecture me about putting myself back into possible danger. Still, it was a risk I was willing to take to get back to the top. Besides, Lucas and his father weren't speaking the last time I knew, so I had serious doubts that he'd be around.

"Well, who is it?"

"Logan Taylor."

The phone grew silent between us. Justine stared at me like she couldn't believe her ears—or my audacity—but she forced a smile anyway, even though it was awkward.

"Before you say anything," I spoke before she could go on again, "I know how crazy this sounds, but this is an unrivaled opportunity. And your girl is broke over here, okay?" I laughed.

“Ariane,” Justine sighed. "You know you're my girl, my best friend. My sister. And I wouldn't know how to do life if anything happened to you. So I'm happy you're ready to get back out there and take control of your life, but I don't think working with the father of a man who brought you through so much is a good idea.”

I was bummed out that she didn't think the job was a good idea and let out a big sigh. "I haven't seen or heard from Lucas in three years," I said. "Maybe he's moved on and forgotten all about me by now. He and his dad had a huge disagreement while we were together and hadn't spoken for a while, so maybe he won't be around as much. And, I know he hasn't moved to New York, and that's where the job is, so I think the job is perfect as long as no one finds out my real name."

I was trying to convince myself more than her. The doubts lingering in the back of my mind started to surface, and I wanted them gone before I psyched myself out of saying yes.

"Hey." Justine waved the white flag after a while. "As long as you're safe and not considering giving Lucas a second chance, go for it. You deserve to be able to do what you love without having to live in fear. Hell, you worked hard for your degrees and should put them to good use."

Chapter Two


"So,you'vemadeadecision, huh?"

"Yeah. Ariane Pratts has appealing qualifications. She’s also a life coach. That’s a two-birds-one-stone deal for me. When she gets in, show her around the office and the apartment. Make sure she knows the ropes and what I require."

Before I left for my flight that morning, I handed Casey my choice. I had gone with Ariane Pratts for her impressive experience and decisive looks. I was intrigued by the confidence of her smile and the kindness of her eyes. I'd seen that expression only on wise, dependable people. “She’s cute,” Casey said. “Has she worked with us before?”

The confused expression on my daughter’s face let me know she felt the same way I did when I’d first seen Ariane. She looked very familiar. I never forgot a face. Maybe a name and place, but never a face. And I was sure I'd crossed paths with her before in my life; I just didn't know where.

“I gotta run,” I said, before we grew too deep in thought. “They have the jet waiting for me.”

“Where you going?”

“I'm flying over to Tennessee to see your grandpop. And your brother’s gonna be there.”

“Hm.” Casey twisted her lips a little. “Good luck with that. Let me know when you land, and tell Grandpop I love him.”

When I landed in Tennessee, I wasn’t excited at all about being in my hometown again. There was a lot of trauma built into that place and I didn’t want to carry any of it back with me to the new life I’d made for myself. I made sure I gave back to the community and contributed to bringing more life into the small town I grew up in, but that was it. It was too small for me and the dreams I had in my head.

My driver pulled into the gorgeous driveway I’d created for my parents. When I made my first million-dollar sale, the first thing I did was build my parents their dream home. It was finished just in time for my mom to enjoy a few good years in it with her grandchildren before she passed on, and then it was my dad’s turn.

His heart took it hard after my mom passed. She was his one true love, and made life worth living for him. I made sure I got him the best caretakers money could buy, but no amount of medicinal aid could heal a broken heart.

"Hey, Pop." I let myself in and found him sleeping in his recliner in the sunroom.

"Logan?" His eyes struggled to open. "I didn't know you were coming in today. Nice to see you, son." My dad had always had a very hefty voice. Shoot, as a six foot four, almost three-hundred pound country man, I expected nothing less. The weakness that overpowered his once-hearty tone was hard to miss now. He sounded fragile and exhausted, and it was hard for me to bear.

“It was a last-minute decision, Pop. I had some free time and took advantage of it. How are you feeling?”

He chuckled, let his head fall in my direction, and said, “How do I look? If it’s terrible, that’s exactly the way I feel.”

I chuckled too. It was the only thing I could do to keep from crying or being angry at the creator for writing my parents’ story this way. They were the sweetest, kindest people anybody could ever meet. It made me furious to see my father trying to press on without his soulmate. So much so that it steered me clear of love in my own life.

“You look alright, Pop.” I sat down on the couch next to him. “You’ll get your strength back and be back on your feet in no time. And if you’re up to it, I could use your eye on something. I got a big gig coming up, and I'm almost ashamed to say—I’m nervous about it.”