She looked at me with a sparkle in her eye that night. One that I'd never seen in her eyes before. Not even when she gave it up to me in the bathroom, or when she surprised me in the back seat of my Maserati. There was still a hint of something bothering her, but she didn’t let it affect the outcome of what I deemed to be our first true date.

Chapter Eleven


Ihadanamazingtime in Paris with Ariane. She was every bit as fun as I thought she would be, and very helpful when it came to handling business. When I invited her to my suite after our wonderful dinner, her eagerness was contagious, getting me more excited than I already was. As soon as I closed the door, I grabbed Ariane by her waist and lowered my face to kiss her. She parted her lips, eagerly anticipating my tongue. I groaned out loud at how passionately she returned my kiss. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and at that moment, I wanted her more than ever.

As she shifted her weight and wrapped her legs around my hips, I pushed her against the door. I unwrapped her arms from around me, held them up under mine, and teased her neck with gentle kisses.

“Logan, please…don’t stop,” she moaned.

I nibbled softly at her neck, giving her goosebumps all over. “Do you like that, sweetheart?”

“Yes, yes, I do.”

I hurriedly removed her dress, taking care not to tear it apart. She helped me remove my clothes as well. Ariane looked at me like a knight in shining armor as I carried her to the bed.

We devoured each other mercilessly, letting out moans echoed by the pleasure that drove us to the edge.

We kissed once more before we drifted off to sleep with Ariane’s head on my chest.

I stared at her angelic face when I awoke the following day. I hadn’t felt so good next to a woman in a long time. When she opened her eyes, my heart started racing. She had no idea how smitten I was with her.

We had an uneventful flight on our way back home. After our return, I had hoped to still be on cloud nine, but I couldn’t shake the feeling of worry for my father. His health had declined a lot in just a short amount of time, and I felt guilty for not being by his side as much as I should have been. The sight of him so down had terrified me.

I was home in my study, going through old photos of him, my mom, and me. Seeing their smiling faces and how happy we all looked brought a tear to my eye. I decided to give him a call that morning before I left for the office, just to check in and see how he was holding up.

“Good morning, Dad. How are you holding up?”

His voice was cold and fragile when he answered. There was a little hesitation in his answer, but when he finally got it together, he tried to sound as cheery as he possibly could. Though I knew he wasn’t in the best shape.

“I’m hanging in there, kid.” He chuckled slightly. “How are you holding up over there, big guy?”

“I’m worried about you.” I chuckled to hide my fear. “I feel like I'm always so busy, I never have time to get out there and care for you properly.”

Although I paid for the best doctors and nurses to look after my dad, I still felt guilty for not being there personally. He was my father; I should have been by his side every step of the way. The same way he was there for me as a child. I just hated seeing him the way he was.

“Ahh,” he groaned. “You do enough for me already, son. Don't beat yourself up about it too bad. I'm just an old man and it’s my time to wind down. No need to feel guilty about it.”

“Speaking of important things,” he said. “What’s going on with this mess between you and Lucas? I’d like to see you two finally make up before I die, you know?”

I sighed and rested my head in my hands when he mentioned my son. I had no idea where to even begin with Lucas. He just seemed like he hated me so much, I didn’t think he would ever give me a chance to make things right between us.

“Lucas acts like I'm the scum of the earth, Dad. I honestly don’t know how we will ever get past things. I hope we can, every day. But I don’t know. He never opens up and gives me a chance.”

“It’s that mother of his, isn’t it? She's always been in his ear trying to get him to take her side, and from the looks of it, he has. I wish like hell you would tell your side of the story so he’d see her for the she-devil she’s always been and you two can finally get over this nonsense.”

“I can’t do that, Dad. You know how much they love their mother. I don’t want their view of her to be tainted because of what we went through in our personal lives.”

“I understand that, I just don’t like all the fighting and the way she tries to paint you as the bad guy. She’s the real villain.”

I laughed every time he called her that. Margot was a handful, and she did have her ways at times, but she wasn’t always so terrible. We talked a little more about my work before it was time for me to head to the office and time for my father's meds for the morning. It was a strenuous routine for him, because he hated taking medicine, but it was very much needed for him to be comfortable and at his best self.

When I got home, I felt relieved that I’d gotten to talk to my dad. Then, when I got comfortable, I thought about when I had asked Ariane what she thought about us, while we were in Paris.

I’d been taken aback at how long it took her to answer me, yet she’d answered with another question.

"What do you mean?" she’d asked as she looked up at me.