“I will take full responsibility,” I said, with both my hands in the air.

When we got to Logan, Harry lowered the partition glass and dimmed the lights in the back of the Maserati just the way Logan liked to ride. I quickly undressed from my work attire and threw on my trench, waiting for him to get inside. I could feel my blood coursing through my veins, making me feel hot and ready for him, so just before he opened the door I propped both of my legs wide open and waited for him to get in. This invitation was a gamble, not knowing whether Logan would accept it the way I hoped.

The look of surprise on his face as he was met by a full view between my legs was priceless. His eyes widened and his mouth nearly dropped to the floor as he slid into the back seat with me. The hunger in his look intensified every second as he admired my moistened flesh. My heartbeat and breathing became stronger. Then, before I could protest, he knelt before me, stopping at the entrance between my thighs. He slipped his hands underneath my bottom to grab each butt cheek, and shoved his face deep into my quivering flesh. The way he shamelessly spread my legs wide open to get better access to my swollen bud drove me prematurely into orgasm.

In that moment, our strong need for each other eclipsed the need to speak, and we uttered no words while we submitted to our carnal desires. I took a glimpse at how hard he was down there; his erection was almost snapping the zipper on his slacks. While he hurried to release it, I licked my lips to get him even more aroused.

Logan moaned as he entered me and it was the most sensational sound my ears had ever heard. The back of the car was completely soundproof, so we had no worries about Harry hearing us tear each other to shreds back there, and I loved every minute of it. Each time Logan pushed himself into me, I arched my back a little to take him deeper. I was so wet and sticky with love, it was all over the back seat of his car.

He didn’t mind that at all. In fact, he loved it. I could tell by the way he leaned down and sucked all over my nipples that it turned him on. The way his tongue slithered all over my breasts and neck, the way his lips felt when he kissed me and gently gripped my neck, made me cum over and over again.

Before it was Logan’s turn to orgasm, I pushed him back onto the seat and straddled him. He felt good from above—deeper and harder. His hands gripped both of my rear cheeks and pulled me closer to him as I rocked my hips back and forth to pleasure him, and I thought I might lose my mind.

“Oh my god,” I cried out in pleasure. “This is the best I've ever had.”

That wasn’t a lie. Both times I’d had sex with Logan, even though we’d been in crazy places, was the best. He knew exactly how I liked to be touched and stroked and kissed and caressed. And I felt like I knew the same about him. Our bodies naturally tuned themselves to one another, and it made both of our explosions intensely rapturous.


“Who would have known you were so adventurous?”

I chuckled as I helped Ariane redress in the back of my Maserati. In all of my years of being sexually active, I had never had a woman surprise me with a good time like that. I wanted more and more of her afterward, but I was tired from the events of my day, and from lasting two rounds with her.

“I have my perks.” She smiled. “Sometimes I like to get a little wild. Sometimes you’ll never know what to expect.”

The dimples in her cheeks turned me on again. I thought about removing her trench and stuffing myself inside of her again, but Harry had already pulled into the complex to drop her off for the night.

“Thanks for the ride,” she said. “It was fun.”

“Was it?” I asked, trying to savor a few more moments with her.

“Did you enjoy it?” she asked.

I had enjoyed it. In fact, I wanted the same ride every night, if she would allow it.

“I had fun,” I replied. “The most fun I've had in a long time.”


She leaned over and placed a sweet kiss on my lips, gripping my already growing erection before getting out. To make me even more crazy for her, Ariane brushed her breast across my face as she climbed over me and gave me a full view of her snatch from behind.

“Have a good night, Mr. Taylor. I'll see you at the office Monday morning.”

Once she was out of sight and my door was closed for take-off, I laughed out loud and let my head rest against the headrest. I couldn’t believe what we had just done. And with Harry right there behind the wheel. My stiffness grew even stiffer the more I thought about how phenomenal she had felt in the back seat of my ride. I planned to give her a surprise of my own when the time was right, but for the rest of the night I wanted to think about nothing else.

I got home around midnight, the sweet smell of sex still lingering on my clothes and in the air around me. Harry knew exactly what went on behind the glass that night. I could see it in the way he looked at me when he opened my door. Not to mention the tiny pair of underwear he tossed at me before I headed up the steps of my front door.

“You forgot something, boss.” He smiled as he tossed them in my direction.

When I caught them and stretched them out to see what they were, I laughed a little and nodded my head at him.

“Have a good night, Harry. I’ll throw you something extra this payday. Thanks for the ride.”

When I got behind closed doors, I held the panties up to the light and took a good look at them. Imagining that I was removing them from Ariane’s frame nearly sent me into another orgasm right there in the hallway. I sniffed them too. Savoring the sweetness of her perfume and body lotion, I closed my eyes and continued to sniff.

“Late night?”

Casey startled me as she came downstairs. I rushed to put the underwear into my pocket before she realized what they actually were before I answered.